Pay - Pagar (The 377th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Pay is Pagar. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services, occupation. It can be used as verb. It is the 377th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
I have to pay the bill.
Tengo que pagar la cuenta.
You'll pay for it.
Lo vas a pagar.
The invoice has to be paid today.
Hay que pagar la cuenta hoy.
I have to pay for it.
Tengo que pagar por ello.
I have absolutely no intention of paying ten dollars.
Yo no pienso pagar diez dólares.
I'd like to pay the check, please.
Quisiera pagar la cuenta, por favor.
You'll have to pay.
Tendrás que pagar.
There's no need to pay.
No es necesario pagar.
I had to pay a high interest.
Tenía que pagar mucho interés.
I had to pay 5 dollars in addition.
Tuve que pagar 5 dólares además.
I want to pay with a check.
Quiero pagar con un cheque.
I'd like to pay by check.
Quiero pagar mediante cheque.
I want to pay in cash.
Me gustaría pagar con dinero.
No, I want to pay in cash.
No. Quiero pagar en efectivo.
I would like to pay in cash.
Me gustaría pagar con dinero en efectivo.
He didn't say anything as to whether he was going to pay in cash or by check.
Él no dijo nada en cuanto a si iba a pagar en efectivo o con un cheque.
I'd like to pay with a credit card.
Quiero pagar con tarjeta de crédito.
I want to pay by credit card.
Me gustaría pagar con tarjeta de crédito.
We can pay 100 dollars at most.
Podemos pagar un máximo de cien dólares.
You shouldn't have paid with that account.
No debiste pagar la factura.
The government makes us pay tax.
El Gobierno nos hace pagar impuestos.
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