Hire, contract - Contratar (The 2157th Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Hire, contract is Contratar. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2157th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services, occupation, sickness & injuries, economy & manufacturing. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: hire, contract

es Spanish: contratar


en es
I want to hire a servant. Quiero contratar a un sirviente.
Why should I hire you ¿Por qué te debería contratar
I want to hire Tom. Quiero contratar a Tom.
I want to hire you. Te quiero contratar.
Nobody's going to hire you. Nadie te va a contratar.
I need to hire a lawyer. Necesito contratar a un abogado.
I need to hire an accountant. Necesito contratar a un contador.
I need to hire an assistant. Necesito contratar a un asistente.

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Hire, contract - Contratar (The 2157th Most Common Spanish Word)
That is a person with ability to hire. b. Que es una persona con capacidad para contratar. b.
And you can hire an actor to play the plaintiff. Y se puede contratar a un actor para interpretar el demandante.
Explore why you need to hire a professional design agency. Explore por qué necesita contratar una agencia de diseño profesional.
But how to hire a virtual assistant for your project Pero, ¿cómo contratar a un asistente virtual para tu proyecto
We still have to pay the bond and hire a lawyer. Todavía debemos pagar la caución y contratar un abogado.
To contract the products and services available on this website. Para contratar los productos y servicios disponibles en esta web.
If your funds are insufficient, you may contract a mortgage. Si sus fondos son insuficientes, puede contratar una hipoteca.
They can plan their trip themselves or contract professional services. Pueden planificar su viaje ellos mismos o contratar servicios profesionales.
The decision to hire parents is very personal for you. La decisión de contratar padres es muy personal para ti.
We were told you're available for hire and we're desperate. Nos dijeron que estás disponible para contratar y estamos desesperados.
But Tony says he's gonna hire a detective. Pero Tony dice que va a contratar a un detective.
I like his idea of hiring a private detective. Me gusta su idea de contratar un detective privado.
Employers dislike hiring people with disabilities because we're expensive. A los empleadores no les gusta contratar personas con discapacidades porque somos caros.

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Hire, contract - Contratar (The 2157th Most Common Spanish Word)

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