Duty, obligation - Deber (The 2187th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Duty, obligation is Deber. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about occupation. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2187th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: duty, obligation

es Spanish: deber


en es
Your duty is to support your family. Tu deber es mantener a tu familia.
Duty should come before anything else. El deber antes que todo.
That is the duty of the police. Ese es el deber de la policía.
Every right comes in hand with a duty. Todo derecho viene de la mano de un deber.
It's your duty. Es tu deber.
It's our duty. Es nuestro deber.
You know that that was our duty. Sabes que era nuestro deber.
I believe it my duty to protect these children. Creo que es mi deber proteger a estos niños.

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Duty, obligation - Deber (The 2187th Most Common Spanish Word)
You must do your duty. Debes cumplir con tu deber.
You should carry out your duty. Deberías cumplir con tu deber.
One must do one's duty. Uno debe cumplir con su deber.
You must perform your duty. Tienes que cumplir con tu deber.
Try to fulfill your duty. Trata de cumplir con tu deber.
I only did my duty. Solo cumplí con mi deber.
That's your duty. Es tu deber.
He does his duty. Cumple con su deber.
He did his duty. Cumplió con su deber.
Duty calls. El deber me llama.
He fulfilled his obligation. Él cumplió con su deber.
We have an obligation to do that. Tenemos el deber de hacerlo.
Duty above all. El deber por encima de todo.

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Duty, obligation - Deber (The 2187th Most Common Spanish Word)

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