Terrorist - Terrorist (The 2774th Most Common German Word)

The translation for Terrorist in German is Terrorist. This word often comes up when talking about law. It is the 2774th most commonly used word in German, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Practice this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: terrorist

de German: terrorist


en de
The terrorist died on the spot. Der terrorist starb auf der stelle.
They claim a terrorist entered the embassy. Sie behaupten, ein Terrorist hätte die Botschaft betreten.
He's one of the foreign terrorists wanted for the UN bombing in baghdad. Ein ausländischer Terrorist, gesucht wegen der Bombe auf die UN in Bagdad.
What is the definition of terrorist?» Was ist die Aussprache von terrorist
The 3rd death was one of the terrorists. Der dritte Tote ist ein Terrorist.
One of the terrorists was posing as a hostage. Ein Terrorist war als Geisel getarnt.
What is the pronunciation of terrorist Was ist die Aussprache von terrorist
Tags: shooting, hunt, terrorist Tags: Schießen, hunt, terrorist

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Terrorist - Terrorist (The 2774th Most Common German Word)
The terrorist knows there's security, but doesn't know exactly where it will be. Der terrorist weiß, es gibt Sicherheit, weiß aber nicht genau wo es sein wird.
In her talk "Know your terrorist credit score!" on Day 1 Kate Crawford wants to take our fears away by introducing a legal framework. In ihrem Vortrag "Know your terrorist credit score!" an Tag 1 will uns Kate Crawford mit ihrer Präsentation eines rechtlichen Rahmens die Angst nehmen.
He also holds a MA from King's College London, specializing in countering violent extremism (CVE) and foreign terrorist fighters. Am King's College London (KCL) spezialisierte Sebastian sich zudem im Master auf Extremismusprävention und „foreign terrorist fighters".
The Standing Committee I exercises, together with the Supervisory Body for police information management, control over the common databases, including the dynamic database FTF (foreign terrorist fighters). Der Ständige N-Ausschuss und das Kontrollorgan der Polizeidaten üben eine gemeinsame Kontrolle aus über die gemeinsamen Datenbanken, einschließlich der dynamischen Datenbank FTF (foreign terrorist fighters).
Posada and his Miami strategists are hoping that he can follow in the footsteps of his fellow conspirator, one-time cellmate and convicted terrorist, Orlando Bosch. Posada und seine Strategen in Miami hoffen, er könne den gleichen Weg einschlagen wie sein Verschwörungskollege, sein einstiger Mitgefangener und überführter terrorist Orlando Bosch.
According to the applicable prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing regulation Holvi is required to store customer due diligence and transaction information for five years after the termination of a regular customer relationship. 5. Laut der European anti money laundering and terrorist financing directive ist Holvi verpflichtet Daten zur Kundenidentifikation und Transaktionsdaten von Kunden für 5 Jahre nach Beendigung des Vertragsverhältnisses mit dem Kunden zu speichern.
Heavy clashes between SDF and Daesh around Swediya Kabira by Tabqa and raids of coalition as a terrorist Schwere Zusammenstöße zwischen SDF und Daesh um Swediya Kabira durch Neil Prakash ("AbuKhalid Cambodi") as a terrorist
The Bush Cartel is an equal opportunity terrorist. Das Bush-Kartell ist Terrorist der Chancengleichheit.
Acc. to His Own Definition Obama is a Terrorist. Laut eigener Definition ist Obama Terrorist.
Just a few days ago this man was called a terrorist... and tortured mercilessly. Kürzlich wurde dieser Mann als Terrorist bezeichnet und gnadenlos gefoltert.
Before 2001, Kasim wasn't a famous terrorist. Vor 2001 war Kasim kein bekannter Terrorist.
The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists. Der Journalist wurde von Terroristen entführt.
The terrorists released the hostages. Die Terroristen ließen die Geiseln frei.

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Terrorist - Terrorist (The 2774th Most Common German Word)

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