Land, country, state - Land (The 134th Most Common German Word)
The German translation for Land, country, state is Land. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 134th most common word in German. This word often comes up when talking about transport & travel, environment & living, nature & weather, being & changes, society, materials & quality, communication. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
land, country, state
I will come to your country some day. | Ich werde dein Land einer dieser Tage besuchen. |
Nobody likes my country. | Niemand mag mein Land. |
He came from another country. | Er kam aus einem anderen Land. |
I do what's best for my country. | Ich tue das Beste für mein Land. |
Nobody wanted to live in my country. | Niemand wollte in meinem Land leben. |
I want to know more about your country. | Ich möchte gern mehr über dein Land erfahren. |
My country is the greatest country in the world. | Mein Land ist das großartigste Land der Welt. |
Many young people are out of work in the country. | Viele junge Leute in diesem Land sind arbeitslos. |
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He gave his life for his country. | Er gab sein Leben für sein Land. |
That country must be very beautiful. | Auf dem Land muss es wunderschön sein. |
It's nice, living in the countryside. | Es ist schön, auf dem Land zu leben. |
I don't like living in the country. | Ich lebe nicht gern auf dem Land. |
I want to live in the countryside. | Ich möchte auf dem Land leben. |
Tell me the reason why you want to live in the countryside. | Sag mir den Grund, warum du auf dem Land leben willst. |
Her mother lives alone in the country. | Ihre Mutter lebt allein auf dem Land. |
My grandmother lives in the countryside. | Meine Großmutter lebt auf dem Land. |
Under present circumstances, I don't intend to return to my country. | Unter den gegenwärtigen Umständen habe ich nicht die Absicht, in mein Land zurückzukehren. |
This country is safe from attack. | Dieses Land ist sicher vor Angriffen. |
It has come to my ears that he will not be long in this country. | Ich habe gehört, dass er lange nicht in diesem Land sein wird. |
His name is known throughout this country. | Sein Name ist im ganzen Land bekannt. |
The enemy has come to our country. | Der Feind ist in unser Land gekommen. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Transport & Travel
Environment & Living
Nature & Weather
Being & Changes
Materials & Quality