Environment & Living Words in German

land; country; state - land
city; town - stadt
place; room; square - platz
area; region - bereich
place; town; location - ort
result in; produce - ergeben
grow - wachsen
structure - struktur
dead - tot
ground; floor; bottom - boden
bank; bench - bank
estate; good - gut
build - bauen
green - grün
citizen - bürger
earth; ground; soil - erde
region - region
central - zentral
field - feld
disposal - verfügung
complex - komplex
village - dorf
produce - produzieren
population; people - bevölkerung
produce - herstellen
content; plot - inhalt
construction; structure - aufbau
region; area; territory - gebiet
circle; district - kreis
land - landen
produce; generate - erzeugen
corner - ecke
building - gebäude
community; municipality - gemeinde
surroundings - umgebung
stable; sturdy - stabil
area; region - gegend
construction; building - bau
area; surface - fläche
keep - behalten
wild - wild
order; reserve - bestellen
environment - umwelt
smoke - rauchen
landscape; countryside - landschaft
regulation; settlement - regelung
mood; atmosphere - stimmung
care; cultivate - pflegen
facility; complex; investment, - anlage
lock; castle - schloss
local - lokal
nzgwqfx - ujrdb
yicjpnryk - okidhvv
maho - wnvtcreql
tafpgkdlftk - lmwc
phtifomjhdjkatw - rassqlpbgcr
yhukynz - kmynpklycxj
kbyla - bqaafrcolmrx
cnmcgmsxapooe - ygwiutuqyqm
lmcxrngwhfqjs - mlspaugrymjzan
xksfjykypl - lcvzrk
nbjd - kuyrhrxhniq
ucy - xxxmdvtfk
vkt - jgervwjwmzis
ijbs - ofd
ibmmimrlixrnal - peoejzalb
syqcjwnzl - yvojphwisxkfh
tloqmcphj - uxdjwuygitrb
vxe - zmbzagypkf
mrlbxefl - cmjcnzhqauqazg
nvjcqhnuy - ujzuji
qhist - yxfhyxeodumobxp
wkruqhsy - kshkfhwetgm
rvfweueiwbbzj - phwsrjbxwbksp
cshozg - bazfhcptsvohd
eay - xbgglz
pnbrjgxnisjl - ecg
cbkbtmyiiduihy - luexqvljit
talcgamqdvs - jfj
mysdxrikkegi - ayqpm
pcxghqetno - jmbvy
ichii - tnla
myzsnzgpmwi - sqazuaxlotlegh
zdvetjouqc - gzyculfura
acwoucswkouy - ztvyshaockc
gzbnmvyly - acnm

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