Grow - Wachsen (The 470th Most Common German Word)

In German, the word for Grow is Wachsen. It is the 470th most commonly used word in German, classified as a A1 word. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, environment & living, numbers & quantity. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: grow

de German: wachsen


en de
Apples grow on trees. Äpfel wachsen auf Bäumen.
I didn't know apple trees grow from seeds. Ich wusste nicht, dass Apfelbäume aus Samen wachsen.
The roses sometimes grow wild. Manchmal wachsen Rosen wild.
Oranges grow in warm countries. Orangen wachsen in warmen Ländern.
Plants grow. Pflanzen wachsen.
The tree stopped growing. Der Baum hörte auf zu wachsen.
Plants grow towards the sun. Pflanzen wachsen der Sonne zu.
Plants grow towards sunlight. Pflanzen wachsen dem Sonnenlicht entgegen.

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Grow - Wachsen (The 470th Most Common German Word)
I am growing breasts. Mir wachsen Brüste.
The plants are growing. Die Pflanzen wachsen.
They'll grow. Sie werden wachsen.
Leaves grow on branches. Blätter wachsen auf Zweigen.
From acorns grow oaks. Aus Eicheln wachsen Eichen.
Plants require CO₂ to grow. Pflanzen benötigen zum Wachsen Kohlendioxid.
Plants require carbon dioxide to grow. Pflanzen brauchen zum Wachsen Kohlendioxid.
Surrounding the house is a wall, beyond which there are cypress trees growing. Das Haus ist von einer Mauer umgeben, jenseits derer Zypressen wachsen.
I approve of anything that helps the sport grow. Ich finde alles gut, was dem Sport hilft zu wachsen.
And everything else falls away that Love may have room to grow. Und alles andere verschwindet, so dass die Liebe den Raum hat zu wachsen.
You can grow flowers in window box and do exercise. Sie können Blumen im Blumenkasten wachsen und trainieren.
I just let everything grow, just as nature would. Ich habe alles einfach wachsen lassen, so wie es die Natur auch tun würde.
As already reported, public and political pressure on the public service has been growing. Wie bereits berichtet, wachsen öffentlicher und politischer Druck auf den Service Public.

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Grow - Wachsen (The 470th Most Common German Word)

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