From where, how - Woher (The 1494th Most Common German Word)
The German word for From where, how is Woher. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, numbers & quantity. It is the 1494th most commonly used word in German, classified as a A2 word. It can be used as pronoun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
English: from where, how
German: woher
It doesn't matter from where he comes. | Es ist ohne Bedeutung, woher er kommt. |
From where | Woher |
Nobody knows who he works for or how he gets all his intel. | Keiner weiß, für wen er arbeitet und woher er seine Informationen bezieht. |
How do you know I drive a packard | Woher wisst ihr, dass ich einen Packard fahre |
How does jefferson know of our mission | Woher weiß Jefferson von unserer Mission |
This habitat resembles the prairieland of North America, from where its ancestors originated. | Dieser Lebensraum ähnelt der Prärie Nordamerikas, woher ihre Urahnen stammen. |
You'll also need to determine from where all of the data related to those key attributes is sourced. | Des Weiteren müssen Sie feststellen, woher die Daten mit diesen Merkmalen stammen. |
I am not entirely sure from where the bulk of my lyrics come from. | Ich weiß nicht, woher ein Großteil meiner Texte kommt. |
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It would be interesting to know from where this Folchaid came. | Interessanter wäre jedenfalls zu erfahren, woher diese Folchaid kam. |
From where is this dream figure supposed to come otherwise. | Woher soll diese Traumfigur sonst herkommen. |
How do i find my bitcoin wallet address. | Woher bekommt man eine bitcoin adresse. |
I know how I can do this. | Ich weiß, wie ich es machen kann. |
That is how he always treats me. | So behandelt er mich immer. |
You don't seem to understand how difficult it is for young people today to believe in something. | Du scheinst nicht zu verstehen, wie schwer es für junge Leute von heute ist, an etwas zu glauben. |
I had not realized how important this is to you. | Mir war nicht klar, wie wichtig dir das ist. |
The problem is not what he said, but how he said it. | Das Problem besteht nicht in dem, was er sagte, sondern in der Art, wie er es sagte. |
It isn't how much you know, but what you can do that counts. | Es zählt nicht, wie viel Sie wissen, sondern was Sie können. |
How little you know me... | Wie wenig du mich kennst... |
That isn't how things are done here. | So regeln wir die Dinge hier nicht. |
This is how you do it. | So machen wir das. |
You can do it however you like. | Sie können es tun, wie Sie möchten. |