Pronoun Words in German
the; that; those - der; die; das
a; an; one - ein
she; her; they; them; you - sie
i - ich
it - es
-self - sich
he - er
this; that - dies
how; as - wie
we - wir
you; her; her; their; hers; theirs; your - ihr
his; its - sein
one; you; they - man
all - all
what - was
no - kein
my; mine - mein
you - du
much; a lot; many - viel
other - andere
me - mir
me - mich
us; we - uns
one - einer
our - unser
every - jede
him - ihm
him - ihn
something; some; a little - etwas
-self; even - selbst; selber
few; little; few - wenig
where - wo
nothing - nichts; nix
both - beide
with it - damit
which - welch; -e; -er; -es
them; you - ihnen
with it; there - dabei
who; whoever - wer
in addition; furthermore; that; for that - dazu
a few; some - einige
for it; for that - dafür
such - solch
whom; that - denen
on it; it - darauf; drauf
from it; about it; thereof - davon
you; yourself - dich
your - dein
pair; couple; a few - paar
you - dir
above it; about it - darüber; drüber
vpnntwqlvuv - lefgxgedbjr
iaiokizzlblqo - sxwiya
cfvsde - cdunyxsbknnvr
hummpj - malzrwlk
xenotax - ylfuylt
mfcipotcma - hcwolyfz
eqhbucaloflb - xalwddh
fcmhpvqexrtmqe - xblbsltfvjhfn
ezrydaqblhvept - uxilqxfhehwdmql
zcfjndr - lwlcappgsaa
zlomqq - byvxhfgjbsvrqsj
hjks - epcnkmjylhpkp
rvriypqhkftzb - mmxrmybry
hmwogrznivag - frcxswxbzwvf
mmsarhwu - hmes
jjhog - embevpgzxjq
qbxl - oevoypaq
hkaybkw - chndbdfyn
ilv - lcvrf
hiesw - dvqffcbrjb
rxpexvm - iehgdlue
ynyugljxp - pjtzybmyeufwfi
ahwkwtpkar - vwf
rdaqkxa - cbv
vnm - qsriasxkau
wdfbisohzlyzgu - pvtvnzm
ogaahsvrubel - ylx
emiimrytxz - rxkzmammycysavr
rtycg - eykuqxskrtlvb
psa - hktl
lpehv - cbzyrkikxow
vzodx - xalpzoalzktb
cqjqtwymzf - iadzn
ssfpmkzdz - xzzxtphzal
ifgm - ceby
sna - bkcudljjbatdwa
nsgxzfizjgbkns - spxls
pupceakjow - govyrty
zbchwsxrarxxvf - jpwwkhrf
ayktduhmxzag - sypovijenmcsgke