Firm, company - Firma (The 686th Most Common German Word)
The translation for Firm, company in German is Firma. It is the 686th most commonly used word in German, classified as a A1 word. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about people, activities & movements, materials & quality, economy & manufacturing, family & relationships. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
firm, company
He began to work for that company last year. | Er begann letztes Jahr für diese Firma zu arbeiten. |
I want to work with your company. | Ich würde gerne mit Ihrer Firma zusammenarbeiten. |
A contract with that company is worth next to nothing. | Ein Vertrag mit dieser Firma ist so gut wie nichts wert. |
He's the owner of the company. | Ihm gehört die Firma. |
We made a contract with the firm. | Wir haben mit der Firma einen Vertrag geschlossen. |
That firm has a good reputation. | Die Firma steht in einem guten Ruf. |
He took charge of the firm after his father's death. | Er übernahm die Firma nach dem Tod seines Vaters. |
Speak to the manager of the firm. | Sprich mit dem Geschäftsführer der Firma |
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I hadn't intended to work at this company this long. | Ich hatte nicht vor, so lange in dieser Firma zu arbeiten. |
His death was a great loss to our firm. | Sein Tod war ein großer Verlust für unsere Firma. |
The company has sent several representatives to discuss the matter. | Die Firma hat mehrere Vertreter zur Besprechung der Angelegenheit entsandt. |
The company rewarded him with promotion. | Die Firma belohnte ihn mit einer Beförderung. |
The company is in financial difficulties. | Die Firma befindet sich in finanziellen Schwierigkeiten. |
The company abandoned that project. | Die Firma hat das Projekt aufgegeben. |
The company's profits soared. | Die Gewinne der Firma stiegen rapide. |
Our company had the fortieth anniversary of its foundation. | Unsere Firma feierte das 40-jährige Jubiläum ihrer Gründung. |
Our company has many clients from abroad. | Unsere Firma hat viele Kunden im Ausland. |
The company suffered big losses. | Die Firma erlitt enormen Schaden. |
The company published a new magazine. | Die Firma hat eine neue Zeitschrift herausgegeben. |
The company is trying to improve its image. | Die Firma versucht ihren Ruf zu verbessern. |
The company employs 500 workers. | Die Firma beschäftigt 500 Arbeiter. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Activities & Movements
Materials & Quality
Economy & Manufacturing
Family & Relationships