Degree - Grad (The 1117th Most Common German Word)
The German word for Degree is Grad. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1117th most commonly used word in German. This word often comes up when talking about numbers & quantity, measures, education. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common German words. Download it now to discover them all.
It's thirty degrees below zero. | Es sind dreißig Grad unter null. |
It's six degrees below zero. | Es sind sechs Grad unter Null. |
It was ten degrees below zero this morning. | Heute Morgen war es zehn Grad unter Null. |
It is ten degrees below zero now. | Es sind jetzt zehn Grad unter null. |
The temperature fell several degrees. | Die Temperatur fiel um einige Grad. |
The thermometer reads 30 degrees. | Das Thermometer zeigt 30 Grad. |
An angle of 90 degrees is called a right angle. | Einen Winkel von 90 Grad nennt man einen rechten Winkel. |
The sum of all the angles in a triangle equals 180 degrees. | Die Summe der Winkel eines Dreiecks ist 180 Grad. |
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Water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade. | Wasser gefriert bei 0 Grad Celsius. |
Water boils at 100 degrees. | Das Wasser kocht bei 100 Grad. |
Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. | Wasser gefriert bei 32 Grad Fahrenheit. |
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. | Wasser kocht bei 100 Grad Celsius. |
A right angle has ninety degrees. | Ein rechter Winkel hat neunzig Grad. |
He has turned 180 degrees around. | Er hat sich um 180 Grad gewendet. |
He is conservative to a degree. | Er ist zu einem gewissen Grad konservativ. |
Water freezes at zero degrees Celsius. | Wasser gefriert bei 0 Grad Celsius. |
The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit. | Heute liegt die Temperatur bei 70 Grad Fahrenheit. |
The temperature fell to five degrees below zero. | Die Temperatur fiel auf fünf Grad unter Null. |
The temperature went down three degrees. | Die Temperatur sank um drei Grad. |
The thermometer reads 10 degrees. | Das Thermometer zeigt 10 Grad. |
Water boils at one hundred degrees. | Wasser kocht bei 100 Grad Celsius. |
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