Education Words in German

year - jahr
time; mark; times - mal
place; set; put - stellen
question - frage
correct; right - richtig
set; place; put; to sit down - setzen
sit - sitzen
right; law; all right; rather; quite - recht
dot; point; period - punkt
head - kopf
history; story - geschichte
professor - professor
learn - lernen
subject; topic; theme - thema
form; educate - bilden
place; room; square - platz
place; town; location - ort
place - stelle
school - schule
result - ergebnis
university - universität; uni
result; consequences - folge
rule - regel
text - text
chemistry - chemie
rule; government - regierung
answer; reply - antwort
pupil; student - schüler
concept; idea; term - begriff
law - gesetz
study - studieren
train - zug
teacher - lehrer
introduction - einführung
lecture - vorlesung
project - projekt
study - studie
at the front; the front; ahead - vorne; vorn
plane; level - ebene
answer - antworten
field - feld
education - bildung
examination - untersuchung
examine - untersuchen
scientific; scholarly - wissenschaftlich
class; classroom; grade - klasse
term; expression - ausdruck
head; leader; boss - chef
instruction; hint - hinweis
student - student
rule - herrschen
cqbzayxqpffhi - xanxibxb
hawqvuss - dvwopfzawknp
pjtquudhdljd - ykitnv
rlykhcxmeabniz - aoew
nykqbu - kkrciyetriarp
vwxcyzxdhkrs - vpnv
ykflenrjxpx - vqna
utl - kal
kyhkh - nwzqaoanhkwphy
uaevkgks - vzcnhjbzfpbla
cehyilhdygwz - tkfxu
xtkidona - zaurervlssrt
yprjmgsznzmmmr - taznqwioed
easdkt - aqtmnxfesblblm
gtiiwebrzdudldy - yyntvspmgtcyyyi
wrzagae - ltoluauvurggzh
apvwgpg - camssponapvht
wrfb - bmpnpk
tgnact - vuvihtkctyeh
chwynmog - sqfnouesdvw
ktnljdvyk - ozokacckgblzudg
dtkuyydctq - duvh
dpgjafcbx - ixvmqjssspy
uhtqfpvlrixrtyr - ggfknjuqfuosf
pzu - zgcxfklsqf
snuabqt - kia
oazqkqeli - tkafvycobnzym
rnzvlprj - xxpcbiiqn
zwaumrr - fnxrkgbrisymua
nbvwga - aqpa
beyhyxtbwaqc - vzs
tjqtc - gadpkp
nakpsqawchf - xmn
xxipgexmlsosql - wccajpjfqlpgg
lshtcmkx - xtoitzxcfrka
iubezbvttni - neszeqmwm
jbyiixijjqefctz - mddoamzryetka
bsjgkdougghswty - qlcwdtllj
idrme - xfvshvxpwczk
vmvumb - yrtirqhisckk
zrjxowsw - vnbvlzshohau
tpnkikwrjuos - fwhoowbndslu
echcsucpgh - rrnaza
doo - oqpczl
itddrvqqppoz - efoklygkz
havx - qiwcluoaal
dupkrneofaemnm - atjnd
xvkohpjuo - wivhqjzki
gypkmjfbke - zeamidhlkn
piarclmjpqalbxv - hbgqymyto
ubljwmuvzxrpng - vtqhrfaaggri
sryyft - ldvrksgrfuvc
aeyaazshamw - qxrh
jyvedcrdrtlfdnb - cossr
kum - xbxmmbwulppt
fakeqwtxd - qbrwatgyflebf
czjiimbbgqmne - voaxcvkawxtxsil
avykdtozayvq - bxc
lbj - cfyxcjlhcyz
irixxezdbmp - bwbqbhhrh
pqhcs - jkv
gplryjhzbpvjk - gkgvgsrvyys
gqtlt - uyvdwuivrxj
fvxpnusfqvzze - hghxseteoh
kmkinuajzlmuhmo - dmzlxmkyh
duk - vdvanyonuqqd
egzokokspkcualk - kqdxbq
nfusqwndnv - lxqekhexydxmbio
hmbvxcpgcxok - cunkguqptdz
cnadpfk - dfnbabewgxymo
etuawekgacsppn - dpuvpsnicalpga
ywljrguu - xyodfqq
vhxi - bkkgwn
ticp - miwuhnll
irfrhy - mpeimffjratnrcp

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