Although - Obwohl (The 390th Most Common German Word)

The German word for Although is Obwohl. It can be used as conjunction. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 390th most commonly used word in German. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common German words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: although

de German: obwohl


en de
I want to find another way out of the situation, although this one isn't that bad either. Ich möchte einen anderen Ausweg aus der Situation finden, obwohl dieser auch nicht so schlimm ist.
Although the sun was out, it was cold. Obwohl die Sonne schien, war es kalt.
Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. Obwohl mein Auto sehr alt ist, läuft es noch sehr gut.
Although you are rich, I doubt you are happy. Obwohl du reich bist, zweifle ich, ob du glücklich bist.
Although her house is nearby, I seldom see her. Obwohl ich in der Nähe wohne, treffe ich sie nur selten.
Although I tell you to, you don't do it. Obwohl ich es dir sage, tust du es nicht.
Although it was raining, I had to go out. Obwohl es regnete, musste ich außer Haus gehen.
Although natto smells awful, it is delicious. Obwohl Natto furchtbar riecht, ist es köstlich.

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Although - Obwohl (The 390th Most Common German Word)
Although he is over 70, he is still active. Obwohl er über 70 ist, ist er immer noch aktiv.
Although he was exhausted, he had to keep working. Obwohl er erschöpft war, musste er weiter arbeiten.
Although they are twins, they have few interests in common. Obwohl sie Zwillinge sind, haben sie kaum gemeinsame Interessen.
Although she was tired, she tried to finish the work. Obwohl sie müde war, versuchte sie, die Arbeit zu Ende zu bringen.
Although she is rich, she dresses quite simply. Obwohl sie reich ist, kleidet sie sich sehr einfach.
Although he's young, he's an outstanding doctor. Obwohl er jung ist, ist er ein hervorragender Arzt.
Although he is rich, he is not happy. Obwohl er reich ist, ist er nicht glücklich.
Although I was tired, I did my best. Obwohl ich müde war, gab ich mein Bestes.
Although I was tired, I did my very best. Obwohl ich müde war, gab ich mein Bestes.
Although she has many weaknesses, I trust her. Obwohl sie viele Schwächen hat, vertraue ich ihr.
Although I was exhausted, I continued to work. Obwohl ich erschöpft war, arbeitete ich weiter.
Pinocchio, although alone, defended himself bravely. Obwohl er allein war, verteidigte sich Pinocchio tapfer.
Although he is poor, he is happy. Obwohl er arm ist, ist er glücklich.

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Although - Obwohl (The 390th Most Common German Word)

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