Conjunction Words in German
and - und
that - dass
as; when; than - als
but - aber
or - oder
if; when - wenn
around; at; in order to - um
there; because - da
until; till; until - bis
time; mark; times - mal
because - weil
because - denn
but - sondern
without - ohne
whether; if - ob
during; while; while; whereas - während
as well as; as soon as; plus - sowie
or; respectively - beziehungsweise; bzw.
ever; each; the more - je
so that - damit
although - obwohl
after - nachdem
before - bevor
while; by - indem
both - sowohl
neither - weder
either - entweder
in case; if - falls
so that - sodass
as long as - solange
the - umso
as soon as - sobald
particularly; especially - zumal
plus - plus
before - ehe
provided that; if - sofern