Wing, sail, blade - Aile (The 2923rd Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Wing, sail, blade is Aile. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about transport & travel, nature & weather, society, sport, house. It is the 2923rd most commonly used word in French, classified as a B2 word. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
wing, sail, blade
The meeting point with this right wing will be at Sombreffe. | Rendez-vous avec cette aile droite sur Sombreffe. |
He took me under his wing. | Il m'a pris sous son aile. |
The eagle had a broken wing. | L'aigle avait une aile cassée. |
This bird has a broken wing. | Cet oiseau a une aile cassée. |
Bob can no longer unfurl its left wing. | Robbi ne peut plus déployer son aile gauche. |
In these air forces a wing is inferior to a group. | Dans ces forces aériennes, une aile est inférieure à un groupe. |
DB-LK Long-range bomber - flying wing. | DB-LK Bombardier à longue portée - aile volante. |
Engine cooling was via thin surface radiators on each wing. | Le refroidissement du moteur se faisait à travers de minces radiateurs de surface sur chaque aile. |
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A method for connecting a wing. | L'invention concerne un procédé pour le raccordement d'une aile. |
The extruded clamps have a plastic wing to provide balance and gripping tension. | Les pinces en question, qui sont extrudées, comportent une aile en matière plastique qui confère à l'ensemble son équilibre et son pouvoir de retenue. |
Zenica prison included a maximum-security wing for high-risk convicts. | La prison de Zenica dispose d'une aile de sécurité maximum pour les condamnés à haut risque. |
Maintenance staircase in the other wing. | L'escalier de maintenance dans l'autre aile. |
Looks like an airplane without wings. | Ça ressemble à un avion, mais sans aile. |
He is saving up for a second wing. | Il économise pour une deuxième aile. |
North wing with Charlie. I got it. | Aile nord avec Charlie, compris. |
Each of the deployable wings are pivotable about a corresponding secondary axis. | Chaque aile déployable tourne autour d'un axe secondaire correspondant. |
Montcalm therefore reinforced his left wing, which was under Lévis' command. | Montcalm renforce donc son aile gauche commandée par Lévis. |
Each complete wing weighs just 34 kg (75 lb). | Chaque aile complète pèse 34 kg. |
I'm not looking for an entire wing here, Mr. Linkas. | Pas une aile entière, M. |
From now on, you're under my professional wing. | Maintenant, vous êtes sous mon aile professionnelle. |
Those guys want to get in the Third Commando's wing. | Ils veulent se mettre dans troisime aile. |
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