Judge - Juger (The 395th Most Common French Word)
The French translation for Judge is Juger. This word often comes up when talking about family & relationships, sport, law. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 395th most common word in French. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
Who are you to judge | Qui es-tu pour juger |
I'm not qualified to judge such technical matters. | Je ne suis pas qualifiée pour juger de telles questions techniques. |
I love the fact that somebody feels reassured because I listen without judging. | J'aime que quelqu'un se sente réconforté parce que je l'écoute sans le juger. |
And judging creative talent is hard. | Et il est difficile de juger le talent créatif. |
They are somehow trying to judge our motives. | Les députés essayent, en quelque sorte, de juger nos motifs. |
Eleven, Judging the polarity of unsigned electrolytic capacitor | Onze, juger de la polarité du condensateur électrolytique non signé |
ECU is adapted to judge whether or not an emergency braking operation has been executed on the basis of a master cylinder pressure (pmc) and its rate of change (dPmc) | l'unité de commande électronique est apte à juger si oui ou non un freinage d'urgence a été exécuté sur la base d'une pression du maître-cylindre (pmc) et de sa vitesse de variation (dPmc) |
And evidently off-worlders, judging by your sonic technology. | Et étrangers à ce monde, à en juger pas votre technologie sonique. |
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Judging by your appearance, this will actually hurt this time. | Juger par votre apparence, cela blessera réellement ce temps. |
Alizée might come to judge, 'then completed Jean Marc Genereux. | Alizée pourrait venir juger , a ensuite complété Jean-Marc Généreux. |
Let's go over to the judging table and we'll try the chilli first. | On va juger les chilis d'abord. |
You'll have a chance to judge for yourself. | Vous allez pouvoir juger par vous-même. |
Then let 1 2 honest people judge you. | Laissez 12 honnêtes gens vous juger. |
Exactly. The international travel to judge dog shows - that's a perfect cover. | Exact. des voyages internationaux pour juger des exhibitions canines... |
You know you can't just go around judging people like that all the time. | Tu peux pas juger les gens sans arrêt. |
I wish you'd judge without being glib. | Si tu pouvais juger sans crâner. |
With these hands, I will judge their rotten hearts. | Je vais juger cette racaille moi-même. |
I'll judge these rotten human beings with my own hands. | Je vais juger cette racaille moi-même. |
But then, of course, you can't judge a man when he's out of a job. | Mais il est difficile de juger un homme sans emploi. |
And before you judge your mother - you did most of that damage. | Et avant de juger ta mère... |
I leave you to be the judges of that. | Je vous laisse juger par vous-même. |
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