Draw, write, mark out - Tracer (The 2997th Most Common French Word)

The French word for Draw, write, mark out is Tracer. This word often comes up when talking about lifestyle & free time, sport, emotions, culture & arts, communication. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2997th most common word in French. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: draw, write, mark out

fr French: tracer


en fr
But we must also draw a very clear boundary here. Il faut cependant aussi tracer clairement une limite.
He is drawing lines. Il est en train de tracer des lignes.
Able to distinguish lines, to differentiate colors, to reproduce up to 500 different movements and to draw routes designed by the user. Capable de distinguer les lignes, distinguer les couleurs, reproduire jusqu'à 500 mouvements différents et tracer des chemins dessinés par l'utilisateur.
The compass is used to draw circles and to measure distances. Le compas sert à tracer un cercle et à mesurer des distances.
You will be drawing two new circles. Vous allez tracer deux nouveaux cercles.
It's my job to draw. C'est mon travail de la tracer.
Draw a circle. Trace un cercle.
Draw a small circle. Trace un petit cercle.

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Draw, write, mark out - Tracer (The 2997th Most Common French Word)
Draw two concentric circles of differing diameters. Tracez deux cercles concentriques de diamètres différents.
You cannot analyse the data efficiently unless you draw a plot. Tu ne peux pas analyser les données efficacement avant d'avoir tracé un graphique.
He draws straight lines. Il trace des lignes droites.
Draw a line here. Trace une ligne ici.
Similarly, two other outside straight lines are drawn. On trace de la même façon deux autres lignes droites extérieures.
Several accounts by Greek writers mention redheaded people. De nombreuses traces d'écrivains grecs mentionnent les personnes rousses.
Efficient planarity testing is fundamental to graph drawing. Un test de planarité efficace est un outils fondamental pour le tracé des graphes.
They draw a definitive frontier between human and inhuman. Elles tracent une frontière définitive entre l'humain et l'inhumain.
The month is drawing to an end. Le mois touche à sa fin.
I can't stop writing. Je ne peux pas m’arrêter d'écrire.
He cannot so much as write his own name. Il ne peut même pas écrire son propre nom.
The boy could not so much as write his own name. Le garçon ne pouvait même pas écrire son propre nom.
Anyone can write his own name. Tout un chacun sait écrire son propre nom.

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Draw, write, mark out - Tracer (The 2997th Most Common French Word)

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