Attack, assassination attempt - Attentat (The 1878th Most Common French Word)
The French word for Attack, assassination attempt is Attentat. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about sickness & injuries, sport, society. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 1878th most commonly used word in French. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common French words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
attack, assassination attempt
Who benefits from this attack | À qui profite cet attentat |
There was an assassination attempt on the president. | Il y a eu un attentat contre le président. |
British forces also helped rebuild the base following a suicide attack. | Les forces britanniques ont également aidé à reconstruire la base à la suite d'un attentat suicide. |
"2001: Suicide attack on Indian parliament". | 2001 : attentat du parlement indien. |
You need to focus on preventing any subsequent attack. | Vous devez éviter tout autre attentat. |
The perpetrators always claim responsibility after an attack. | Les terroristes revendiquent toujours un attentat. |
'There was, however, evidence of an attack being planned. | Mais un attentat était effectivement prévu. |
A terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this attack. | Un groupe terroriste a revendiqué cet attentat. |
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Seven people were convicted of the killings and sentenced to death on 23 March 1998 for their involvement in the attack. | Sept personnes sont condamnées à mort le 23 mars 1998 pour implication dans cet attentat. |
The attack was foiled. | L'attentat a été déjoué. |
They arrested a suspect of the attack in Stockholm | Ils ont arrêté un suspect de l'attentat de Stockholm |
Everything must be done to arrest and bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack. | Tout doit être entrepris pour arrêter et traduire en justice les auteurs de l'attentat. |
The Internet has become the primary channel used by terrorists to disseminate propaganda, issue public threats, glorify horrendous terrorist acts such as beheadings, and claim responsibility for attacks. | L'internet est devenu le principal canal utilisé par les terroristes pour diffuser leur propagande, proférer des menaces publiques, glorifier d'abominables actes terroristes tels que des décapitations, et revendiquer des attentats. |
The latter refers back to back two candidates and Announces future attacks. | Ce dernier renvoie dos à dos les deux candidats et annonce de futurs attentats. |
Facebook activated its Safety Check feature following the attacks. | Facebook a activé sa fonctionnalité Contrôle de Sécurité suite aux attentats. |
The conception and planning of terrorist attacks involves traveling by air. | La conception et la planification des attentats terroristes impliquent des déplacements par voie aérienne. |
EP holds solemn session following the attacks in the US. | Séance exceptionnelle du PE suite aux attentats. |
It is to be used after the attack. | Elle doit servir après l'attentat. |
He claimed the Russians know nothing about the attack. | Il prétend tout ignorer de l'attentat. |
Jihadist groups are taking credit for the attack on the Internet. | Des groupes djihadistes ont revendiqué l'attentat sur internet. |
Thus they officially stamp the attack with their signature. | Et signent ainsi officiellement l'attentat. |
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