Yellow - Amarillo (The 1381st Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Yellow is Amarillo. It is the 1381st most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A2 word. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about materials & quality. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: yellow
Spanish: amarillo
They painted the window frames yellow. | Ellos pintaron de amarillo los marcos de las ventanas. |
And the yellow one | ¿Y el amarillo |
The yellow toy is little. | El juguete amarillo es pequeño. |
They have faces painted purple and yellow. | Tienen la cara pintada de morado y amarillo. |
I love my yellow sweater. | Me encanta mi jersey amarillo. |
My son's rubber duck is yellow. | El patito de hule de mi hijo es amarillo. |
I like the colour yellow. | Me gusta el color amarillo. |
The car is yellow. | El carro es amarillo. |
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The book is yellow. | El libro es amarillo. |
The sun is yellow. | El sol es amarillo. |
Yellow is my favorite color. | El amarillo es mi color favorito. |
This notebook is yellow. | Este cuaderno es amarillo. |
They painted their house bright yellow. | Ellos pintaron su casa amarillo claro. |
You can transform a yellow handkerchief to a banana or vice versa. | Puedes transformar un pañuelo amarillo en un plátano o viceversa. |
Top text and symbol black with yellow background | Texto superior y símbolo en negro sobre fondo amarillo |
Description: Blue and yellow with black characters. | Descripción: Azul y amarillo, con caracteres negros. |
Description: Pink and yellow with black characters. | Descripción: Rosa y amarillo, con caracteres negros. |
Top symbols black, with yellow or amber background | Texto superior y símbolo en negro sobre fondo amarillo o ámbar |
Drone of 4 different colors (red, white, yellow and blue). | Zángano de 4 colores diferentes (rojo, blanco, amarillo y azul). |
It is based on three colors: red, yellow and blue. | Se basa en tres colores: rojo, amarillo y azul. |
Available in four different colours (blue, green, yellow, or red) | Disponible en cuatro colores diferentes (azul, verde, amarillo o rojo) |