Verify, prove - Comprobar (The 1301st Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Verify, prove is Comprobar. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1301st most common word in Spanish. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
verify, prove
That proves nothing. | Eso no prueba nada. |
The defendant's innocence could not be verified. | No se pudo comprobar la inocencia del acusado. |
Voltmeter to verify the state of load of its battery. | Voltímetro para comprobar el estado de carga de su batería. |
It is curious to verify that in the dictionary Gazophylacivum Catalano-Latinum. | Resulta curioso comprobar que en el diccionario Gazophylacivum Catalano-Latinum. |
Your device requires more data to verify the digital signature. | El dispositivo necesita más datos para comprobar la firma digital. |
Your smartphone requires more data to verify the digital signature. | El smartphone necesita más datos para comprobar la firma digital. |
An funny musical game to verify your sense of the rate. | Un divertido juego musical para comprobar tu sentido del ritmo. |
It has a screen to verify and check the probes. | Dispone de pantalla para verificar y comprobar la sondas. |
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Global QSL can verify that no alterations are taking place. | Global QSL puede comprobar que no alteraciones est谩n teniendo lugar. |
The successes of their canalizations seem to verify the theory. | Los éxitos de sus canalizaciones parecen comprobar la teoría. |
Do not verify the server certificate when connecting using TLS. | No comprobar el certificado del servidor al conectar usando TLS. |
The competent body may verify that these conditions are met. | El organismo competente podrá comprobar si se cumplen estas condiciones. |
How to verify you have installed a supported version of Python. | Cómo comprobar que ha instalado una versión compatible de Python. |
Discern and verify the vocation of the novices [115]. | Discernir y comprobar la vocación de los novicios [116]. |
Objectives: To verify if the children have a suitable self-esteem. | Objetivo: Comprobar si los niños tienen una autoestima adecuada. |
The doctor tells me that a reflex test can verify whether something is wrong with my neural impulses. | El médico me dice que un examen de los reflejos puede comprobar que algo está mal con los impulsos nerviosos. |
In order to prove compliance with the established time limits, we made sure to get a date stamp. | Para comprobar el cumplimiento con los límites establecidos de tiempo, nos aseguramos de conseguir un cargo. |
The jury concluded that Donny's involvement in the crime couldn't be proved. | El jurado concluyó que no se podía comprobar la intervención de Donny en el crimen. |
With this study, we want to prove that our theory is correct. | Con este estudio queremos comprobar que nuestra teoría es cierta. |
They put him through a series of questions in order to prove his identity. | Lo sometieron a una seria de preguntas para comprobar su identidad. |
The Special Rapporteur regrets that she was not given the opportunity to verify these allegations. | Lamenta no haber tenido la oportunidad de comprobar esas alegaciones. |
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