Typical - Típico (The 1934th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Typical is Típico. It can be used as adjective. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 1934th most commonly used word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: typical

es Spanish: típico


en es
He's a typical workaholic. Es un típico trabajólico.
He is a typical Japanese. Él es un típico japonés.
Tom is a typical Canadian. Tom es un típico canadiense.
He's your typical workaholic. Es el típico adicto al trabajo.
She's your typical workaholic. Es el típico adicto al trabajo.
This is so typical. Esto es tan típico.
Tom is a typical Canadian man. Tom es el típico hombre canadiense.
That's typical. Qué típico.

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Typical - Típico (The 1934th Most Common Spanish Word)
You see, that's just typical of guys in your generation. Verás, eso es típico entre los tipos de tu generación.
Typical of you to rent a motorcycle in that name. Típico de ustedes para alquilar una moto en ese nombre.
Tell me about a typical day in your life now. Cuéntame cómo es un día típico en tu vida ahora.
This is typical of their inability to look to the future. Esto es típico de su incapacidad para mirar al futuro.
This outfit was typical of a colonist at that time. Este conjunto era típico de un colono de aquella época.
It is typical of the constant stop-and-go Khartoum politics to hint at a solution and then to withdraw it, without any warning. Es típico de la política de alternancia constante de Jartum hacer alusión a una solución y luego retirarla, sin previo aviso.
This is the typical strumming of this style. Este es el rasguido típico de este palo.
Just as I expected. He's a typical man who doesn't think before acting. Justo como me lo esperaba. Es un hombre típico que actúa sin pensar.
I'd like to try a dish typical of the region. Me gustaría probar algún plato típico de la región.
The opposition says its just another typical Liberal program. La oposición dice que es solo otro típico programa del Partido Liberal.
Hospitable apartment with typical ceiling, can comfortably accommodate up to 4 people. Acogedor apartamento con techo típico, con capacidad para 4 personas.
It is not typical for local tourist destinations. No es un destino turístico típico.
There was hardly any waste generated in a typical household. Un hogar típico apenas producía basura.

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Typical - Típico (The 1934th Most Common Spanish Word)

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