Thick - Grueso (The 2068th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Thick is Grueso. It is the 2068th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B1 word. It can be used as adjective. This word often comes up when talking about materials & quality. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: thick
Spanish: grueso
It is four centimeters thick. | Tiene cuatro centímetros de grueso. |
Her thick makeup is disgusting. | Su grueso maquillaje es asqueroso. |
This book is very thick. | Este libro es muy grueso. |
If the glaze thick, this defect is more apparent. | Si el esmalte grueso, este defecto es más evidente. |
The thick filling guarantees a great comfort to your seat. | El relleno grueso garantiza una gran comodidad a su asiento. |
It is made of canvas cotton with a thick padding. | Está hecho de algodón de lona con un relleno grueso. |
Thick and lush fox fur bedecks the stunning tuxedo collar. | Piel de zorro grueso y exuberante bedecks el impresionante collar de smoking. |
His neck was thick, his voice soft and gentle. | Su cuello era grueso, el suyo voz suave y apacible. |
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However, if you have thick hair is more important reinforcement. | Sin embargo, si tienes el cabello grueso es más importante refuerzo. |
The thick heel measures about 120 mm / 4.5 inches. | Las medidas de tacón grueso alrededor de 120 mm / 4,5 pulgadas. |
The dials are also made from 1/8 inch thick HDPE. | Los diales también están hechos HDPE de 1/8 pulgada de grueso. |
Rhizome licorice - thick and short, with numerous small branches. | Regaliz rizoma - grueso y corto, con numerosas ramas pequeñas. |
The outer layer is thick plastic to prevent leaks. | La capa externa es de plástico grueso para evitar fugas. |
This pen has a thick thickness and a pleasant feel. | Esta pluma tiene un grueso grueso y una sensación agradable. |
Something like a thick pipe or a bat. | Algo como un tubo grueso o un bate. |
You can add less water if you prefer a thicker product. | Puedes añadir menos agua si prefieres un producto más grueso. |
Its thick profile gives it a nice weight and rigidity. | Su perfil grueso le da un buen peso y rigidez. |
Sleeveless, still thick and warm with these 440 gr/m2. | Sin mangas, todavía grueso y cálido con estos 440 gr/m2. |
All six beds come with a thick and comfortable mattress. | Las seis camas disponen de un grueso y cómodo colchón. |
Fortunately, the jail gave him a thick overcoat to wear. | Afortunadamente, la cárcel le dio un abrigo grueso para llevar. |
This material should not be too thick ortoo thin. | Este material no debe ser demasiado grueso odemasiado delgada. |