That - Aquel (The 129th Most Common Spanish Word)
In Spanish, the word for That is Aquel. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 129th most common word in Spanish. It can be used as adjective. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
This book is much more interesting than that one.
Este libro es más interesante que aquel.
That accident is a very good example of what happens when you're not careful.
Aquel accidente es un muy buen ejemplo de lo que pasa cuando no se tiene cuidado.
That guy's a friend of mine.
Aquel tipo es mi amigo.
This car is as big as that car.
Este carro es tan grande como aquel.
This book is as small as that one.
Este libro es tan pequeño como aquel.
That boy doesn't eat.
Aquel niño no come.
That gentleman usually wears a hat.
Aquel señor por lo general lleva puesto un sombrero.
That bridge isn't long.
Aquel puente no es largo.
That bridge is made of stone.
Aquel puente está hecho de piedra.
Christmas fell on Saturday that year.
Aquel año la Navidad cayó en sábado.
This one is similar to that one.
Éste es parecido a aquel.
The ball is that boy's prized possession.
Esta pelota es el tesoro de aquel niño.
In those days, he lived in the house alone.
Por aquel entonces vivía solo en la casa.
That guy annoys me.
Aquel sujeto me molesta.
They were free at that moment.
Ellos eran libres en aquel momento.
That business was a gold mine.
Aquel negocio era una mina de oro.
If he had worked hard at that time, he would have succeeded.
Si hubiera trabajado duro en aquel tiempo, habría tenido éxito.
The prince became a king that day.
Aquel día, el príncipe se convirtió en rey.
The car's parked opposite that building.
El auto está parado enfrente de aquel edificio.
This book isn't as heavy as that book.
Este libro no es tan pesado como aquel.
That book is worth reading.
Merece la pena leer aquel libro.
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