Teacher - Docente (The 2580th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Teacher is Docente. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about education. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2580th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: teacher

es Spanish: docente


en es
The classroom involves a large degree of teacher controlled activity. El aula implica un alto grado de actividad docente controlada.
I'm not a teacher. No soy docente.
My father is a teacher. Mi padre es docente.
Jorge Retamoza is an absolutely personal saxophonist, musician and teacher. Jorge Retamoza es un saxofonista, músico y docente absolutamente personal.
Dr John McCollow is a retired teacher and union officer. El Dr. John McCollow es un docente retirado y sindicalista.
Teacher and researcher of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA). Docente e investigador del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA).
Professional translator, teacher and researcher at Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Traductora profesional, docente e investigadora en la URV.
Roberto Gargarella (Argentina), lawyer and sociologist, CONICET researcher and teacher. Roberto Gargarella (Argentina), jurista y sociólogo, investigador del CONICET y docente.

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Teacher - Docente (The 2580th Most Common Spanish Word)
Salim Malla is a plastic artist, researcher and teacher. Salim Malla es artista plástico, investigador y docente.
Aníbal Pérez Liñán (Argentina), political scientist, teacher and researcher. Aníbal Pérez Liñán (Argentina), politólogo, docente e investigador.
Architect and teacher in the University San Paul CEU of Madrid. Arquitecto y docente en la Universidad San Pablo CEU de Madrid.
The teacher has the role of a consultant or mentor. El docente tiene el papel de un consultor o tutor.
The teacher has the role of the coach or trainer. El docente tiene el papel del entrenador o formador.
Liberia: Teachers struggle for a living wage(09 August 2011) Liberia: lucha docente por un salario digno(09 de agosto 2011)
Mirta Kupferminc lives and works in Buenos Aires, is a lecturer and teacher. Mirta Kupferminc vive y trabaja en Buenos Aires, es conferencista y docente.
This does not mean that the teacher should never intervene. Esto no significa que el docente no deba intervenir nunca.
We have to innovate all day, find new ways to be a woman, man, wife, parent, teacher, executive, old person, young person. Todo el día tenemos que innovarnos y encontrar nuevos modos de ser mujer, hombre, esposa, padre, docente, ejecutivo, anciano, joven, etc.
Born in Buenos Aires in 1940. Drummer, teacher and composer. Nació en Buenos Aires en 1940. baterista, docente y compositor.
How did we get to the current situation of low teacher prestige ¿Cómo llegamos a la situación actual de bajo prestigio docente
The conflict between the teachers union and the government intensified. El conflicto entre el gremio docente y el gobierno se intensificó.
There is also a lack of teachers who are specialized in these areas. También falta personal docente especializado en estas actividades.

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Teacher - Docente (The 2580th Most Common Spanish Word)

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