Strength, force, power - Fuerza (The 290th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Strength, force, power is Fuerza. This word often comes up when talking about sport, cooperation, activities & movements, law, society, house. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 290th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: strength, force, power

es Spanish: fuerza


en es
I don't have your strength. Yo no tengo tu fuerza.
It'll have to be done by force. Habrá que hacerlo a la fuerza.
God is our strength. Dios es nuestra fuerza.
By reason or by force. Por la razón o por la fuerza.
My strength is all gone. Toda mi fuerza se ha ido.
Silence is strength. El silencio es la fuerza.
Strength is found in calmness. En la calma se encuentra la fuerza.
That motor doesn't have enough power. Ese motor no tiene fuerza suficiente.

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Strength, force, power - Fuerza (The 290th Most Common Spanish Word)
He won the day by virtue of his strength of will. Ganó el día en virtud de su fuerza de voluntad.
We took pride in our strength. Tomamos orgullo en nuestra fuerza.
This symbol stands for strength and integrity. Este símbolo representa fuerza e integridad.
You must never resort to force. Nunca debes recurrir a la fuerza.
Save your strength. Reserva tu fuerza.
Age diminished his strength. Su fuerza disminuía con la edad.
Unity makes strength. La unión hace la fuerza.
Unity is our strength ¡La unidad es nuestra fuerza
I have underestimated the strength of my opponent. He subestimado la fuerza de mi adversario.
Union gives strength. La unión hace la fuerza.
Tom fought with all his strength. Tom luchó con toda su fuerza.
Strength through unity. La unión hace la fuerza.
They took it by force. Ellos se lo tomaron por la fuerza.

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Strength, force, power - Fuerza (The 290th Most Common Spanish Word)

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