Stop - Parar (The 706th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Stop in Spanish is Parar. It can be used as verb. This word often comes up when talking about house, transport & travel, being & changes, activities & movements, cooperation. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 706th most common word in Spanish. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: stop

es Spanish: parar


en es
You could stop this. Podrías parar esto.
This has got to stop. Esto debe parar.
I can stop whenever I want. Puedo parar cuando quiera.
Tell me when to stop. Dime cuándo parar.
I have to stop. Tengo que parar.
We had to stop. Tuvimos que parar.
The rain just stopped, so let's leave. La lluvia acaba de parar, así que vámonos.
Women talk nonstop. Las mujeres hablan sin parar.

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Stop - Parar (The 706th Most Common Spanish Word)
The lorry had to stop because its load had fallen off. El camión tuvo que parar porque su carga se había caído.
It rained nonstop. Llovió sin parar.
The function of the brake is to stop the car. La función del freno es la de parar el coche.
The hockey referee intervened to stop the fight. El árbitro de hockey intervino para parar la pelea.
This must stop. Esto debe parar.
You can't stop inside a tunnel. No puedes parar en un túnel.
We must act to resist and stop this intolerable injustice. Debemos actuar para oponer resistencia y parar esta injusticia intolerable.
It's the only way to stop my mind, all right Es la única manera de parar mi mente, ¿vale
He succeeded almost wholly in stopping the awful diarrhea. Tuvo éxito casi completamente en parar la terrible diarrea.
We got to stop for lunch on our way back. Tenemos que parar para almorzar en nuestro camino de vuelta.
Okay, we got to stop this bleeding in her brain. Bien, tenemos que parar esta hemorragia en su cerebro.
High voltage can stop your heart or your breathing. El alto voltaje puede parar su corazón o su respiración.
Without a doubt, a brilliant application to not stop playing. Sin dudas, una aplicación genial para no parar de jugar.

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Stop - Parar (The 706th Most Common Spanish Word)

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