Still, yet - Aún (The 250th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Still, yet is Aún. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 250th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as adverb. This word often comes up when talking about food, nature & weather, activities & movements, time & frequency. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: still, yet

es Spanish: aún


en es
The food's not ready yet. La comida no está lista aún.
Our baby isn't talking yet. Nuestro bebé aún no habla.
I'm sorry, I haven't gotten around to doing it yet. Lo siento, aún no me he puesto a hacerlo.
My wife still hasn't met my parents. Mi esposa aún no conoce a mis padres.
It isn't yet working. Aún no funciona.
The meat's not ready yet. La carne aún no está lista.
There's still a long way to go. Aún hay un largo camino por delante.
A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. Un extraño es solo un amigo que aún no has conocido.

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Still, yet - Aún (The 250th Most Common Spanish Word)
They're still young. Ellos aún son jóvenes.
Nobody's killed me yet. Nadie me ha matado aún.
You're still wrong. Aún no tienes la razón.
The thing still bothers me. La cosa aún me molesta.
I still haven't finished. No finalicé aún.
You are tall, but he is still taller. Eres alta, pero él es aún más alto.
The sun isn't up yet. El sol aún no ha salido.
The tree isn't ready yet. El árbol aún no está listo.
Even though it's small, it's still my apartment. Aunque sea pequeño, aún es mi apartamento.
I can't help thinking that my son is still alive. No puedo evitar pensar que mi hijo está aún vivo.
I still love you. Aún te amo.
Nobody has made a decision yet. Nadie ha tomado una decisión aún.
Remember you still have my confidence. Recuerda que aún tienes mi confianza.

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Still, yet - Aún (The 250th Most Common Spanish Word)

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