Smell, odor, fragrance - Olor (The 1070th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Smell, odor, fragrance is Olor. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1070th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about body & health. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: smell, odor, fragrance

es Spanish: olor


en es
You have a weird smell. Tienes un olor extraño.
These flowers have a unique smell. Estas flores tienen un olor único.
This milk smells funny. Esta leche tiene un olor peculiar.
The smell is pleasant. El olor es agradable.
The smell of food made me hungry. El olor a comida me dio hambre.
I know what that smell is. Sé lo que es ese olor.
The smell's making me sick. Ese olor me está poniendo malo.
The bad smell sickened me. El mal olor me dio asco.

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Smell, odor, fragrance - Olor (The 1070th Most Common Spanish Word)
This smell disgusts me. Este olor me da asco.
The bad smell disgusted us. El mal olor nos dio asco.
Lilies smell sweet. Las lilas tienen un olor dulce.
Ammonia is a colorless liquid or gas with a very strong smell. El amoniaco es un líquido o gas incoloro con un olor muy fuerte.
The smell was offensive. El olor era desagradable.
This smell might come from the oven ¡Este olor podría provenir del horno
This fruit has an unpleasant smell. Esta fruta tiene un olor desagradable.
The smell was horrible. El olor era espantoso.
I especially like the smell of lilacs. Me gusta particularmente el olor de las lilas.
A smell of lemon and nutmeg is coming from the kitchen. Desde la cocina llega un olor de limón y nuez moscada.
Rank is the word, all right, as in your smell. Rango es la palabra, está bien, como en su olor.
Occasionally it can annoy the intense smell that emanates from cooking. Ocasionalmente puede molestar el intenso olor que emana de la cocción.
The appearance of the smell is influenced by many factors. La apariencia del olor está influenciada por muchos factores.

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Smell, odor, fragrance - Olor (The 1070th Most Common Spanish Word)

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