Singing, chant - Canto (The 2050th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Singing, chant is Canto. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2050th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about culture & arts. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: singing, chant

es Spanish: canto


en es
Singing is her strong point. El canto es su punto fuerte.
Did you enter the singing contest ¿Entraste al concurso de canto
I entered a singing contest. Entré a un concurso de canto.
Singing is a famous actor from England Steve Littlewood. El canto es un famoso actor de Inglaterra Steve Littlewood.
The Singing Forest is your a perfect base to explore. El Bosque Canto es su una base perfecta para explorar.
The quality of my chanting was good from the beginning. La calidad de mi canto fue buena desde el principio.
In the neophyte stage chanting is sometimes bitter. En la etapa neófita el canto es algunas veces amargo.
Simply by this chanting the entire world can be saved. Simplemente por este canto el mundo entero puede ser salvado.

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Singing, chant - Canto (The 2050th Most Common Spanish Word)
Poetry is a singing that humanizes the conscience of everyone. La poesía es un canto que humaniza la conciencia de todos.
Play The Singing Lady Dressup game related games and updates. Escuchar El Canto Señora Dressup juego juegos relacionados y actualizaciones.
Lou van Rees wanted to Singing Europe leave an unforgettable impression. Lou van Rees quería Canto Europa deja una impresión inolvidable.
The events include singing, games, and lots of fun and laughter. Los eventos incluyen canto, juegos y mucha diversión y risas.
It has an average size and quite noisy in their singing. Tiene un tamaño medio y es bastante ruidosa en su canto.
Breathing should not be synchronised with the pace of the chanting. La respiración no debe sincronizarse con el ritmo del canto.
He has a passion to visual, concrete and singing poetry. Él tiene una pasión para visual, concreto y la poesía del canto.
She wants to progress in her chanting and devotional activities. Ella quiere progresar en su canto y actividades devocionales.
This chanting of Hare Krishna will create a spiritual revolution. Este canto de Hare Krishna creará una revolución espiritual.
A Satsang with silent meditation chant of mantras and Conference- Un Satsang con meditación silenciosa canto de mantras y conferencia-
Drive to Yabello and visit Borena people and singing wells. Viaje a Yabello y visitar Borena personas y pozos canto.
From the beginning, this psalm, oozes joy, singing and jubilation. Desde el principio, este salmo, rezuma alegría, canto y júbilo.
Whimsical houses and trees among the singing of nocturnal insects. Casas caprichosas y árboles entre el canto de los insectos nocturnos.

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Singing, chant - Canto (The 2050th Most Common Spanish Word)

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