Sin - Pecado (The 2023rd Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Sin in Spanish is Pecado. This word often comes up when talking about society. It can be used as noun. It is the 2023rd most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B1 word. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: sin

es Spanish: pecado


en es
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Perdóname Padre porque he pecado.
I have sinned. He pecado.
Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleasure. El placer es un pecado, y a veces el pecado es un placer.
The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin. La obra del justo es para vida; mas el fruto del impío es para pecado.
We can recognize the sin exactly according to this isolation. Podemos reconocer el pecado justamente de acuerdo a este aislamiento.
Would you commit the same sin of which you accuse my father ¿Cometerías el mismo pecado del que acusas a mi padre
What is actually the difference between temptation and sin ¿Cuál es en realidad la diferencia entre tentación y pecado
It is a day of vengeance and judgment against sin. Es un día de venganza y juicio contra el pecado.

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Sin - Pecado (The 2023rd Most Common Spanish Word)
Only a handful of preachers now preach against sin. Solo un puñado de predicadores ahora predican contra el pecado.
The city was filled with false religion, alcohol and sin. La ciudad estaba llena de religión falsa, alcohol y pecado.
The man of sin (ANTICHRIST) will not allow other religions. El hombre de pecado (ANTICRISTO) no permitirá otras religiones.
The sin of ambition causes one to use corrupt methods. El pecado de la ambición causa a uno usar métodos corruptos.
This way, the sin caused by anger would be removed. Esta manera, el pecado causado por la cólera sería quitada.
R. For those who suffer the sin of anger. R. Por los que sufren el pecado de la ira.
His teacher tells him stealing from anyone is a sin. Su maestro le dice robar a alguien es un pecado.
Sin against His government cannot be forgiven apart from sacrifice. El pecado contra Su gobierno no puede ser perdonado aparte del sacrificio.
The illness of this man was apparently a result of sin. La enfermedad de este hombre era aparentemente un resultado del pecado.
This is a ludicrous attempt to produce holiness by sin. Éste es un intento absurdo de producir santidad por el pecado.
Every baby is born on this earth perfect and without sin. Cada bebé nace en esta tierra perfecto y sin pecado.
When the Holy Spirit works, we begin to hate our sin. Cuando el Espíritu Santo obra, comenzamos a odiar nuestro pecado.
He lived when sin was beginning to cover the earth. Él vivió cuando el pecado comenzaba a cubrir la tierra.

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Sin - Pecado (The 2023rd Most Common Spanish Word)

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