Send, order - Mandar (The 588th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Send, order in Spanish is Mandar. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 588th most common word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about being & changes, family & relationships, house, shops & services, location & place, law, cooperation. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: send, order

es Spanish: mandar


en es
Don't forget to send that letter. No olvides mandar la carta.
I'll send flowers. Voy a mandar flores.
Can you send me a screenshot Você pode me mandar uma captura de tela
I'm sending her to California. La voy a mandar a California.
Truly, an elegant and distinguished manner of sending your last goodbye. Verdaderamente, una manera elegante y distinguida de mandar su última despedida.
No harm sending them haring off in the wrong direction. No causa daño mandar las liebres en la dirección equivocada.
Thanks for letting me send my parents in my car. Gracias por dejarme mandar a mis padres en mi coche.
Not it is for the money, but to send a message. No es por el dinero, sino para mandar un mensaje.

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Send, order - Mandar (The 588th Most Common Spanish Word)
Do not send your article to the editor straight away ¡No se debe mandar el texto al editor inmediatamente
Now, why can Vizcarra order the dissolution of the congress Ahora, ¿por qué Vizcarra puede mandar a disolver el congreso
My sister just sent me a video of a kitten touching a ball of yarn with its paw. Mi hermana me acaba de mandar un video de un gatito tocando una bola de estambre con la pata.
We could send Congress on an autonomous car road trip. Podríamos mandar al Congreso de viaje en un carro autónomo.
They've already started sending out the invitations for the graduation party. Ya empezaron a mandar las invitaciones para la fiesta de graduación.
Could you send me a giro to pay the rent ¿Me podrías mandar un giro para pagar la renta
The applicants need to send two references. Los interesados tienen que mandar dos referencias.
Maybe you should just send a text message. Quizás debas solo mandar un SMS.
Monsieur, I would like to send these telegrams. Monsieur. Quiero mandar estos telegramas.
I need to know where I can send my ambassadors. Necesito saber donde puedo mandar mis embajadores.
We're going to have to send for help. Tendremos que mandar a buscar ayuda.
I'll have to send this to the lab. Tendré que mandar esto al laboratorio.
We should send a car over to the marina right away. Deberíamos mandar un coche enseguida al embarcadero.

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Send, order - Mandar (The 588th Most Common Spanish Word)

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