Rule, ruler, regulation - Regla (The 1380th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Rule, ruler, regulation is Regla. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1380th most common word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about lifestyle & free time, education, society. Tap on the speaker icon to listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
rule, ruler, regulation
He makes it a rule never to speak ill of others.
Él tiene por regla nunca hablar mal de otros.
The only golden rule is that he who has the gold makes the rules.
La única regla de oro es que el que tiene el oro hace las reglas.
The world follows one golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules.
Todo el mundo sigue una regla de oro: el que tenga oro impone las reglas.
I need a ruler.
Necesito una regla.
I make it a rule not to watch television after nine o'clock.
Tomé como regla no mirar televisión después de las nueve.
You broke the rule.
Rompiste la regla.
This rule does not apply.
Esta regla no se aplica.
The exception proves the rule.
La excepción confirma la regla.
Exceptions prove the rule.
La excepción confirma la regla.
Every rule has its exceptions.
Toda regla tiene sus excepciones.
Don't forget rule number seventy-two.
No olvide la regla número 72.
Every rule has exceptions.
Cada regla tiene sus excepciones.
Remember this rule.
Recuerda esta regla.
Ko is not just a restrictive rule of Go, but an extra emotion in each game.
Ko no es solo una regla restrictiva de Go, sino una emoción adicional en cada juego.
This new rule encourages good behavior.
Esta nueva regla promueve la buena conducta.
The rule holds good in this case.
La regla sigue siendo válida en este caso.
Moral law is a rule of moral action with sanctions.
Ley moral es una regla de acción moral con sanciones.
As always, Giulia Farnese is the exception to the rule.
Como siempre, Giulia Farnese es la excepción de la regla.
We can use the ruler tool to measure the angle.
Podemos utilizar la herramienta de regla para medir el ángulo.
What is the first rule of any game, Mr. Green
¿Cuál es la primera regla de cualquier juego, Sr. Green
It is a good rule in life never to apologize.
Es una buena regla en la vida no disculparse.
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