Ring - Anillo (The 2902nd Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Ring is Anillo. This word often comes up when talking about clothing, materials & quality, media & it. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2902nd most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
English: ring
Spanish: anillo
I don't want the ring. | No quiero el anillo. |
The ring is tight. | El anillo está justo. |
Her fiancé gave her a very big ring. | Su novio le dio un anillo muy grande. |
The ring is cursed. | El anillo está maldito. |
Mary is wearing a silver ring. | María lleva puesto un anillo de plata. |
A ring and some cash are missing. | Falta un anillo y algo de efectivo. |
She is wearing a valuable ring. | Ella lleva puesto un valioso anillo. |
She has a ring whose value is beyond belief. | Tiene un anillo de valor incalculable. |
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The ring is loose. | El anillo está suelto. |
What a beautiful ring | ¡Qué hermoso anillo |
Where's my ring | ¿Dónde está mi anillo |
Whose ring is that | ¿De quién es este anillo |
Whose ring is it | ¿De quién es este anillo |
Where is my ring | ¿Dónde está mi anillo |
It's a diamond ring. | Es un anillo de diamantes. |
Can you exchange this watch for a ring | ¿Me cambias este reloj por un anillo |
This ring is a magic item that gives great power to its user. | Este anillo es un objeto mágico que da gran poder a su usuario. |
The ring was nowhere to be found. | El anillo no aparecía en ninguna parte. |
The price for the diamond ring was also completely acceptable. | El precio del anillo de diamantes fue también totalmente aceptable. |
Diamonds are a way to add value to any ring. | Diamantes son una manera de añadir valor a cualquier anillo. |
This ring is my chance to finally get it all right. | Este anillo es mi oportunidad de por fin hacerlo bien. |