Rescue, save - Rescatar (The 2927th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Rescue, save is Rescatar. This word often comes up when talking about sickness & injuries, shops & services, being & changes, media & it. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2927th most common word in Spanish. It can be used as verb. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: rescue, save

es Spanish: rescatar


en es
We were able to rescue nine puppies today. Pudimos rescatar nueve cachorros hoy.
Tom tried to rescue Mary. Tom intentó rescatar a Mary.
Our aim is to rescue humanity and the planet. Nuestro objetivo es rescatar a la humanidad y al planeta.
Rescue the animals and the zoo from the decline. Rescatar a los animales y el zoológico de la decadencia.
We cannot rescue our lady and defend our home. No podemos rescatar a nuestra señora y defender nuestro hogar.
Abraham had to rescue Lot after he was taken prisoner. Abraham tuvo que rescatar a Lot después que fue tomado prisionero.
You at least have a purpose, to rescue your wife. Tú al menos tienes un propósito, rescatar a tu esposa.
You must rescue Dr. Esculap, who has been kidnapped. Se debe rescatar el Dr. Esculap, que ha sido secuestrada.

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Rescue, save - Rescatar (The 2927th Most Common Spanish Word)
Using a bow rescue the gallows in Gibbets 2 game. Usando un arco rescatar a la horca en Horcas 2 juego.
What can you do to rescue all those lost files ¿Qué puedes hacer para rescatar todos esos archivos perdidos
We can thus rescue many with your prayers and penance. Así podemos rescatar a muchos con vuestras oraciones y penitencia.
So, are you going to rescue a damsel in distress Así que, ¿vas a rescatar a una damisela en apuros
Your goal is to rescue the base from invaders. Su objetivo es rescatar a la base de los invasores.
All right, let's just rescue them and get out of here. Muy bien, vamos a rescatar ellos y salir de aquí.
You can't keep trying to rescue me all the time. No se puede seguir tratando de rescatar todo el tiempo.
Disk Drill helps you rescue files that have been deleted. Disk Drill ayuda a rescatar archivos que se han eliminado.
You will need to rescue yourself and face the reality. Tendrá que rescatar a sí mismo y enfrentar la realidad.
I'm here risking my life to rescue your children. Estoy aquí arriesgando mi vida para rescatar a sus niños.
Among these, rescue in iCloud of messages received through iMessage. Entre estos, rescatar en iCloud de mensajes recibidos a través de iMessage.
He once risked his life to rescue Henriette and me. Arriesgó su vida para rescatar a Henriette y a mi.
Sam wanted to rescue things all the time, too. Sam quería rescatar cosas todo el tiempo, también.

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Rescue, save - Rescatar (The 2927th Most Common Spanish Word)

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