Recognize, admit - Reconocer (The 400th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Recognize, admit is Reconocer. This word often comes up when talking about body & health, negotiations, cooperation, law. It can be used as verb. It is the 400th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. You can see example sentences for context below, and you can also listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.
English: recognize, admit
Spanish: reconocer
She was able to recognize the thief as soon as she saw him. | Pudo reconocer al ladrón en cuanto lo vio. |
More information is needed to recognize an unexpected phenomenon. | Se requiere más información para reconocer un fenómeno inesperado. |
I have to recognize the source of your quotations. | Tengo que reconocer la fuente de tus citas. |
Mac won't be able to recognize the Samsung Galaxy S5. | Mac no será capaz de reconocer el Samsung Galaxy S5. |
We can recognize the sin exactly according to this isolation. | Podemos reconocer el pecado justamente de acuerdo a este aislamiento. |
Sure, it is important to recognize and acknowledge our feelings. | Claro, es importante reconocer y aceptar nuestros sentimientos. |
You must begin to recognize that and act upon it. | Ustedes deben comenzar a reconocer eso y actuar sobre ello. |
Nonetheless, we should admit that Folexin is just a pill. | No obstante, debemos reconocer que Folexin es solo una píldora. |
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The response to our invitation was to admit, very unexpected. | La respuesta a nuestra invitación es a reconocer, muy inesperado. |
This man wants to admit his debt to the State. | Este hombre quiere reconocer su deuda con el Estado. |
You're the first to admit that we're no good together. | Eres el primero en reconocer que no estamos bien juntos. |
The EU and Morocco agree to recognize their respective geographical indications. | La UE y Marruecos acuerdan reconocer sus respectivas indicaciones geográficas. |
This PhenQ can really assist you to recognize your dreams. | Este PhenQ realmente puede ayudar a reconocer sus sueños. |
They begin to recognize that their leaders are not like them. | Comienzan a reconocer que sus líderes no son como ellos. |
However, we can hardly recognize anything beyond the Ajna. | Sin embargo, difícilmente podemos reconocer nada más allá de Ajna. |
The sensor is capable of simultaneously recognizing up to four touches. | El sensor es capaz de reconocer simultáneamente hasta cuatro toques. |
Recognizing the cycle of unhealthy relationships is the first step. | Reconocer el ciclo de relaciones insalubres es el primer paso. |
Signs of a frozen pregnancy: how to recognize the danger | Señales de un embarazo congelado: ¿cómo reconocer el peligro |
Recognize the work of other authors, and define responsibilities 2. | Reconocer el trabajo de otros autores, y delimitar responsabilidades 2. |
Recognize and describe the different levels and stages of coordination. | Reconocer y caracterizar los diferentes niveles y estadios de coordinación. |
Learn to recognize the symptoms of a disc bulge. | Aprende a reconocer los síntomas de un disco protruido. |