Radio, set, communication - Radio (The 933rd Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Radio, set, communication is Radio. This word often comes up when talking about house, media & it, communication. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 933rd most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: radio, set, communication

es Spanish: radio


en es
On the radio, they said that it was going to be cold. En la radio dijeron que iba a hacer frío.
I really must buy that radio next time I am in New York. De veras tengo que comprar ese radio la próxima vez que esté en Nueva York.
The radio will not work. La radio no funciona.
He is on the radio now. Ahora está en la radio.
He likes listening to the radio. A él le gusta escuchar la radio.
The radio is too loud. La radio está muy alta.
Please turn on the radio. Pon la radio, por favor.
Turn up the radio a little bit. Ponga la radio un poco más alta.

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Radio, set, communication - Radio (The 933rd Most Common Spanish Word)
I heard the news on the radio. Oí la noticia por la radio.
Last night, I listened to radio. Anoche estuve escuchando la radio.
I almost never listen to the radio. Casi nunca oigo la radio.
I'm listening to the radio. Estoy escuchando la radio.
He is listening to the radio. Él está escuchando la radio.
I wasn't listening to the radio. Yo no estaba escuchando la radio.
The radio gave a warning of bad weather. La radio dio un aviso de mal tiempo.
Turn off the radio, please. Apaga la radio, por favor.
Can I borrow your radio ¿Me prestas tu radio
Turn on the radio. Enciende la radio.
Please turn down the radio. Bájale al radio, por favor.
Turn down the radio. Bájale a la radio.
The radio doesn't work. La radio no funciona.

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Radio, set, communication - Radio (The 933rd Most Common Spanish Word)

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