Protest, object - Protestar (The 2620th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Protest, object in Spanish is Protestar. This word often comes up when talking about cooperation, ownership, language. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2620th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: protest, object

es Spanish: protestar


en es
The group of students gathered to protest against the new policies. El cuerpo de estudiantes congregó para protestar en contra de las nuevas políticas.
Tom decided to protest. Tom decidió protestar.
We must protest and combat that situation, which is not acceptable. Debemos protestar y combatir esa situación, que no es aceptable.
Under the martial law, they could not complain, negotiate and protest. Con la ley marcial no podían quejarse, negociar ni protestar.
All social organisations must protest and demand an audit. Todas las organizaciones sociales deben protestar y demandar una auditoría.
And when you dare to protest, they laugh in your face. Y cuando te atreves a protestar, se ríen en tu cara.
The spirit of the magazine was its way to protest. El ánimo de la revista fue su manera de protestar.
In protest the NFWA organized a march to Sacramento. Para protestar esto, el NFWA organizó una marcha a Sacramento.

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Protest, object - Protestar (The 2620th Most Common Spanish Word)
Therefore, my friends, we can protest and we can oppose. Por ello, mis amigos, podemos protestar y podemos oponernos.
They may protest, arguing that the problem must first be diagnosed. Ellos pueden protestar, argumentando que el problema debe ser diagnosticada.
Korihime began to protest, but realized that she could not. Korihime empezó a protestar, pero se dio cuenta que no podía.
He has traveled from Chiapas to protest the WTO. Ha viajado desde Chiapas para protestar contra la OMC.
You can't interfere with my legal right to protest. No puedes interferir con mi derecho legal a protestar.
They began to protest and the manager called the Police. Comenzaron a protestar y el gerente llamó a la Policía
The workers movement must protest the extradition of Aurore Martin ¡El movimiento obrero debe protestar contra la extradición de Aurore Martin
Protesting in Poland is a tiresome battle. Protestar en Polonia es una batalla tediosa.
It was necessary to protest and denounce what had happened. Fue necesario protestar y denunciar lo ocurrido.
Isabel Haydee Álvarez, an onlooker watching the demonstration, was detained after protesting that the authorities should let the couple go. Isabel Haydee Álvarez, que estaba contemplando la manifestación, fue detenida tras protestar y decir que las autoridades debían dejar libre a la pareja.
Her husband pays for all her whims without protesting. Su marido le paga todos los caprichos sin protestar.
The staff decided to go on strike for three days to protest their low salaries. El personal decidió hacer huelga durante tres días para protestar por los bajos salarios.
There was a march to protest the increase in the price of gasoline. Hubo una marcha para protestar por el aumento en el precio de la gasolina.

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Protest, object - Protestar (The 2620th Most Common Spanish Word)

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