Prince - Príncipe (The 2681st Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Prince is Príncipe. This word often comes up when talking about society. It is the 2681st most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B2 word. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.
English: prince
Spanish: príncipe
The prince was lost in the woods. | El príncipe estaba perdido en el bosque. |
He is my Prince Charming. | Él es mi príncipe azul. |
I wish I were a prince. | Ojalá fuera un príncipe. |
The prince was changed into a tree by magic. | El príncipe fue cambiado en árbol por magia. |
The prince became a king that day. | Aquel día, el príncipe se convirtió en rey. |
The prince was changed into a frog. | El príncipe fue convertido en rana. |
The prince succeeded to the throne. | El príncipe alcanzó el trono. |
I met the prince himself. | Me encontré con el mismísimo príncipe. |
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Prince Hamlet wasn't a playwright. | El príncipe Hamlet no fue un dramaturgo. |
Prince Charles will be the next British king. | El príncipe Carlos será el próximo rey británico. |
The prince acceded to the throne. | El príncipe accedió al trono. |
The prince is almost a hundred years old. | El príncipe tiene casi cien años. |
The toad became prince. | El sapo se convirtió en príncipe. |
She fell in love with a certain prince. | Se enamoró de cierto príncipe. |
The capture of the prince by the king led to another war. | La captura del príncipe por el rey llevó a otra guerra. |
The actress and Prince Harry started their relationship in 2016. | La actriz y el Príncipe Harry comenzaron su relación en 2016. |
Reuben was a firstborn sired by another prince for Jacob. | Rubén fue un primogénito engendrado por otro príncipe para Jacob. |
And the prince came back every day for a week. | Y el príncipe volvió cada día durante una semana. |
C. XIV.Functions that belong to the prince, against the militia. | C. XIV.Funciones que pertenecen al príncipe, contra la milicia. |
The Prince must appoint the candidate elected by the people. | El Príncipe debe nombrar al candidato elegido por el pueblo. |
Prince of Persia game drawn on the cartoon. | Príncipe de Persia juego dibujado en la caricatura. |