Place, space - Sitio (The 477th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Place, space is Sitio. This word often comes up when talking about house, being & changes, location & place, culture & arts, education, nature & weather. It can be used as noun. It is the 477th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: place, space

es Spanish: sitio


en es
I have a place to sleep. Tengo un sitio para dormir.
No place is safe. Ningún sitio es seguro.
This place is ours. Este sitio es nuestro.
That place is in the middle of nowhere. Ese sitio está en medio de ninguna parte.
I know a good place for dinner. Conozco un buen sitio para cenar.
I would like to bring you to a good place for our honeymoon. Me gustaría llevarte a un buen sitio de luna de miel.
This place is boring. Este sitio es aburrido.
This place is really noisy. Este sitio es de lo más ruidoso.

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Place, space - Sitio (The 477th Most Common Spanish Word)
I looked for a place to crash. Busqué un sitio para pasar la noche.
I'll meet you at the usual place. Te veré en el sitio habitual.
Please click here to add your comments about this place. Haz clic aquí para añadir tus comentarios sobre este sitio.
The security in this place is a work of art. La seguridad de este sitio es una obra de arte.
Whatever happens to you in this place, you mustn't be ashamed. Pase lo que pase en este sitio, no debes avergonzarte.
You know, it's strange being all together in one place. Ya sabes, es extraño estar todos juntos en un sitio.
This place is better than the house on Jersey Shore. Este sitio es mejor que la casa en Jersey Shore.
But my next mission is in a much better place. Pero mi próxima misión es en un sitio mucho mejor.
Jail is no place for a boy like Daniel. La cárcel no es sitio para un chico como Daniel.
Mike, we got to find a new place to bury people. Mike, necesitamos encontrar un nuevo sitio para enterrar a la gente.
You think this is a good place to catch 40 winks ¿Crees que es un buen sitio para pillar 40 guiños
Perhaps a good place to celebrate Valentine's Day in Malaga ¿Quizás un buen sitio para celebrar San Valentín en Málaga
Religion has no place in the classroom, Dr. Saltzman. La religión no tiene sitio en el aula, Dr. Saltzman.

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Place, space - Sitio (The 477th Most Common Spanish Word)

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