Pick up - Recoger (The 828th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Pick up is Recoger. It can be used as verb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 828th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app contains over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: pick up

es Spanish: recoger


en es
I just picked them up. Lo acabo de recoger.
Please let me pick up your sister at the station. Déjame recoger a tu hermana en la estación, por favor.
Cathy stopped picking flowers. Cathy dejó de recoger flores.
Just the effort by booking, picking up and returning it is annoying. Solo el esfuerzo de reserva, recoger y volver es molesto.
Yes, we have to pick up Prem from his bank. Sí, tenemos que recoger a Prem de su banco.
Leo bent down to pick up something off the floor. Leo se agachó para recoger algo del suelo.
The wind started to pick up and the bite slowed down. El viento comenzó a recoger y la picadura se ralentizó.
You can pick up your check at the same time. Usted puede recoger su cheque en el mismo tiempo.

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Pick up - Recoger (The 828th Most Common Spanish Word)
Use your truck to pick up and deliver the crates. Utilice su camión para recoger y entregar las cajas.
Pick up passengers and follow the arrow to their destination. Recoger pasajeros y seguir la flecha a su destino.
You can also pick up and the level of difficulty. También puede recoger y el nivel de dificultad.
You can pick up the farm to your interests and desires. Usted puede recoger la granja con sus intereses y deseos.
You flight with a angel and pick up the gifts. Usted vuelo con un ángel y recoger los regalos.
You can pick up your check on friday. Puedes recoger tu cheque el viernes.
I have to pick up my fur coat from storage. Tengo que recoger mi abrigo de piel del almacén.
It's not far from where we're picking up the laptop. No está muy lejos de donde tenemos que recoger el portátil.
What are the procedure to pick up the rented motorcycle ¿Cuál es el procedimiento para recoger la motocicleta alquilada
Pick Up Dates to 31 october 2017. Recoger las Fechas para 31 octubre 2017.
Hey, you need to pick up the pace a bit. Hey, usted necesita para recoger un poco el ritmo.
You can pick up the game for almost any purpose. Usted puede recoger el juego para casi cualquier propósito.
Read Trika 3 to pick up more information about this subject. Lee Trika 3 para recoger más información sobre este tema.

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Pick up - Recoger (The 828th Most Common Spanish Word)

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