Payment - Pago (The 1529th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish translation for Payment is Pago. This word often comes up when talking about shops & services. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1529th most common word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to the word's pronunciation. Practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: payment

es Spanish: pago


en es
What payment options are available ¿Qué alternativas de pago están disponibles
Smith demanded payment. Smith reclamó el pago.
Registration is only valid after payment in advance. El registro es válido solo después de pago de adelanto.
A fee is a payment for a service. Una tasa es un pago por un servicio.
The city council has requested the payment of the fine. El ayuntamiento ha requerido el pago de la multa.
Could you give me the payment receipt ¿Me podría dar el recibo de pago
More and more people are falling behind in their mortgage payments. Cada vez más gente se está retrasando en el pago de la hipoteca.
What methods of payment can I accept on my website ¿Qué métodos de pago puedo aceptar en mi sitio web

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Payment - Pago (The 1529th Most Common Spanish Word)
We accept any payment, which is offered in the shop. Aceptamos cualquier pago, que se ofrece en la tienda.
As an accommodation, Visa and Mastercard are acceptable methods of payment. Como un alojamiento, Visa y Mastercard son métodos aceptables de pago.
Cash and checks will be the acceptable form of payment. Efectivo y cheques serán la forma de pago aceptable.
You can make the payment to our bank account TT100%. Usted puede hacer el pago a nuestra cuenta bancaria TT100%.
How to split the total payment across months in Excel ¿Cómo dividir el pago total entre meses en Excel
This form of payment has an additional discount of 2% Esta forma de pago tiene un descuento adicional del 2%
Creation of companies, payment of taxes and relations with the administration. Creación de empresas, pago de impuestos y relaciones con la administración.
But this advance payment comes at a very high cost. Pero este pago anticipado viene a un costo muy alto.
You can schedule the payment up to 14 days in advance. Puedes programar el pago con hasta 14 días de anticipación.
Another advantage of the loan is a fixed amount of payment. Otra ventaja del préstamo es una cantidad fija de pago.
These adware demonstrates advertisement as a payment for its usage. Estos adware muestra publicidad como un pago por su uso.
Other income or resources do not affect the payment amount. Otra renta o recursos no afecta la cantidad del pago.
Only baby-sitters aged 15 or more can ask for payment. Solo niñeras 15 años o más puede pedir el pago.

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Payment - Pago (The 1529th Most Common Spanish Word)

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