Patient - Paciente (The 1119th Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Patient is Paciente. It can be used as noun. It is classified as a A2 word, and is the 1119th most common word in Spanish. This word often comes up when talking about sickness & injuries. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.


en English: patient

es Spanish: paciente


en es
I'm being patient. Estoy siendo paciente.
This patient's life is in danger. La vida de este paciente corre peligro.
The patient is now safe. El paciente ahora está a salvo.
That patient may die at any time. El paciente puede morir en cualquier momento.
Be patient ¡Sé paciente
The patient is in danger. El paciente estaba en peligro.
Another patient has died. Otro paciente ha muerto.
You are a patient woman. Eres una mujer paciente.

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Patient - Paciente (The 1119th Most Common Spanish Word)
He was very patient. Él era muy paciente.
He has learned to be patient. Aprendió a ser paciente.
The patient didn't have a fever. El paciente no tenía fiebre.
The patient's condition changes every day. La situación del paciente cambia a cada día que pasa.
The patient is steadily recovering. El paciente se está recuperando a paso seguro.
The doctor emphasized that the patient had only a few days. El doctor hizo hincapié en que al paciente sólo le quedaba unos días.
The patient was allowed up. Permitieron que el paciente subiera.
He was patient. Él era paciente.
I'm patient. Soy paciente.
The doctor emphasized that the patient only had a few days to live. El doctor hizo hincapié en que al paciente sólo le quedaba unos días de vida.
Tom is patient. Tom es paciente.
The patient is unconscious. El paciente está inconsciente.
Tom is treating a patient. Tom está atendiendo a un paciente.

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Patient - Paciente (The 1119th Most Common Spanish Word)

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