Patience - Paciencia (The 2357th Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Patience is Paciencia. It is the 2357th most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B1 word. It can be used as noun. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Our app offers over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types for the 3000 most common Spanish words. Download it now to discover them all.


en English: patience

es Spanish: paciencia


en es
Thank you for your patience. Le agradezco su paciencia.
Don't make me lose my patience. No me hagas perder mi paciencia.
Children sometimes lack patience. A veces los niños no tienen paciencia.
Now, I've lost all my patience. Ahora he perdido toda mi paciencia.
Have patience for another day or two. Tenga paciencia por uno o dos días más.
My patience has come to the breaking point. Se agotó mi paciencia.
Patience is the mother of science. La paciencia es la madre de la ciencia.
My patience is wearing thin. Comienzo a perder mi paciencia.

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Patience - Paciencia (The 2357th Most Common Spanish Word)
I'm starting to lose my patience with you. Estoy empezando a perder la paciencia con vos.
Patience is the key. La paciencia es la clave.
He was patience itself. Él era la paciencia personificada.
He has little patience. Él tiene poca paciencia.
I'm losing patience. Estoy perdiendo la paciencia.
The patient lost patience. El paciente perdió la paciencia.
I lack patience. Me falta paciencia.
You should practise patience. Tú necesitas entrenar la paciencia.
We appreciate your patience. Apreciamos su paciencia.
Hope and patience lead to power. La esperanza y la paciencia conducen al poder.
Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience. El genio no es nada más que una gran aptitud para la paciencia.
Acquisition of a foreign language requires patience. Adquirir un idioma extranjero requiere paciencia.
The acquisition of a foreign language requires patience. Adquirir un idioma extranjero requiere paciencia.

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Patience - Paciencia (The 2357th Most Common Spanish Word)

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