Party, group, match - Partido (The 302nd Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish translation for Party, group, match is Partido. This word often comes up when talking about family & relationships, society, culture & arts, house, sport. It is the 302nd most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a A1 word. It can be used as noun. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app to practice this and the other 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
party, group, match
Your party doesn't answer.
Tu partido no contesta.
Had it not been for this error, our team could have won the match.
De no haber sido por este error, nuestro equipo podría haber ganado el partido.
He was the strongest. He won the match.
Él era el más fuerte. Ganó el partido.
The inflation issue split the party.
El tema de la inflación dividió al partido.
We won the match.
Ganamos el partido.
I had never seen such an exciting rugby match as one I saw yesterday.
Nunca había visto un partido de rugby tan emocionante como el que vi ayer.
He assumed the leadership of the political party.
Él asumió el liderazgo del partido político.
They formed a new political party.
Formaron un nuevo partido político.
The ruling party is running a smear campaign against the opposition.
El partido en el poder está llevando a cabo una campaña de calumnias contra la oposición.
This political party is very environmentally conscious.
Éste partido político es muy consciente por el ambiente.
Sunday's match will be crucial.
El partido del domingo será decisivo.
My team won the match.
Mi equipo ganó el partido.
I won the match.
Gané el partido.
The match is over.
Se terminó el partido.
There was a soccer match in the stadium.
En el polideportivo había un partido de fútbol.
Which party do you belong to
¿A qué partido perteneces
The Democratic Party needs major reform.
El partido demócrata necesita importantes reformas.
They are trying to organize a new political party.
Estão tentando organizar um novo partido político.
They're trying to organize a new political party.
Intentan formar un nuevo partido político.
The leader of the party is a famous scientist.
El líder del partido es un conocido científico.
I have no interest in going to the match.
No tengo ningún interés en ir al partido.
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