Pact, agreement - Pacto (The 2941st Most Common Spanish Word)

The Spanish word for Pact, agreement is Pacto. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about negotiations. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2941st most commonly used word in Spanish. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app today.


en English: pact, agreement

es Spanish: pacto


en es
Okay, well then let's make a pact. Vale, bueno, entonces vamos a hacer un pacto.
Did you reach any agreement ¿Lograsteis alcanzar algún pacto
The Compact has already been used to achieve positive results. El Pacto ya se ha utilizado para alcanzar resultados positivos.
The group provides support, advice and guidance on the Compact. El grupo proporciona apoyo, asesoramiento y orientación sobre el Pacto.
Firstly, the preventive arm of the pact should be strengthened. En primer lugar, convendría fortalecer la parte preventiva del pacto.
And David formed a pact with them before the Lord. Y David formó un pacto con ellos delante del Señor.
In fact, the pact was a concession on both sides. De hecho, el pacto fue una concesión por ambas partes.
PSOE and Cilus reach a pact of government in Albox. PSOE y Cilus alcanzan un pacto de gobierno en Albox.

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Pact, agreement - Pacto (The 2941st Most Common Spanish Word)
This revolutionary pact does not limit itself to indigenous movements. Este pacto revolucionario no se limita a los movimientos indígenas.
This pact produced a relief that did not last long. Este pacto produjo un alivio que no duró mucho.
Membership of the EU for some of the Baltic states will also be a the final proof that the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact has finally been dumped on the rubbish tip of history. La adhesión de alguno de los Países Bálticos a la UE es también la prueba final de que el pacto Molotov - Ribbentrop por fin ha sido tirado al basurero de la historia.
Let us please make this stupid Stability and Growth Pact more flexible. Hagamos que este Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento sea más flexible.
He said the Stability Pact was stupid. Dijo que el Pacto de Estabilidad era estúpido.
Some people have called the Pact stupid. Algunas personas han calificado el Pacto de estúpido.
The Second Annual Report of the Pact is extremely valuable. El Segundo Informe Anual del Pacto es extremadamente valioso.
This Pact continues to constitute a part of International Law. Este Pacto sigue siendo una parte de la Ley Internacional.
Why not ask them to confront the neoliberal pact ¿Por qué no pedirles que enfrenten el pacto neoliberal
The institutions that collaborate with the Pact are: Fundación PENSAR. Las instituciones que colaboran con el Pacto son: Fundación Pensar.
Smokers have a pact with the devil. Quien fuma tiene un pacto con el demonio.
A table is always a sign of agreement and alliance. La mesa es siempre signo de pacto y alianza.
I fully share Mr Prodi’s view that the Stability and Growth Pact is idiotic. Comparto plenamente la opinión del Sr. Prodi de que el Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento es una estupidez.

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Pact, agreement - Pacto (The 2941st Most Common Spanish Word)

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