Out, outside, away - Fuera (The 299th Most Common Spanish Word)
The translation for Out, outside, away in Spanish is Fuera. This word often comes up when talking about house, shops & services, being & changes, location & place, numbers & quantity, lifestyle & free time, sport. It can be used as adverb. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 299th most commonly used word in Spanish. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common Spanish words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.
English: out, outside, away
Spanish: fuera
Whenever I call, he is out. | Siempre que llamo está fuera. |
A man who wanted to see you came while you were out. | Mientras estabas fuera un señor vino porque quería verte. |
Whoever comes, tell them I'm away from home. | Quien venga, dígale que estoy fuera de casa. |
I haven't set foot outside the house today. | No he puesto un pie fuera de la casa hoy. |
Be careful out there. | Ten cuidado ahí fuera. |
This telephone is out of order. | Este teléfono está fuera de servicio. |
Wait for a moment outside the room. | Espera un momento fuera de la sala. |
Some people think eating at home is better for you than eating out. | Algunas personas creen que comer en casa es mejor que comer fuera. |
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The situation seemed out of control. | La situación parecía estar fuera de control. |
What happened was out of my control. | Lo que sucedió estaba fuera de mi control. |
They had been away for two years and five months. | Habían estado fuera durante dos años y cinco meses. |
On the outside the school looks like a prison. | Esa escuela se ve por fuera como una prisión. |
It's out of the question. | Eso está fuera de cuestión. |
I was away from home all through the summer vacation. | Estuve fuera de casa durante todas las vacaciones de verano. |
He is playing outdoors. | Está jugando fuera. |
The machine has been out of order since last month. | La máquina ha estado fuera de servicio desde el mes pasado. |
She was now out of danger. | Entonces se encontró fuera de peligro. |
It is outside my area of study. | Está fuera de mi área de estudio. |
The wall is white on the inside and green on the outside. | La pared es blanca por dentro y verde por fuera. |
This box is green on the outside and red on the inside. | Esa caja es verde por fuera y roja por dentro. |
It's pitch black outside. | Está oscuro fuera. |
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This word appears in the following categories
Shops & Services
Being & Changes
Location & Place
Numbers & Quantity
Lifestyle & Free Time