Old, ancient, former - Antiguo (The 446th Most Common Spanish Word)
The Spanish word for Old, ancient, former is Antiguo. This word often comes up when talking about people, time & frequency, culture & arts. It is classified as a A1 word, and is the 446th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as adjective. You can listen to their pronunciations, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Discover all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types by downloading our app.
old, ancient, former
That's a very old saying.
Ese es un dicho muy antiguo.
I ran into my old teacher at the station.
Yo me encontré con mi antiguo profesor en la estación.
I am now in an old castle.
Ahora estoy en un castillo antiguo.
That old bridge is anything but safe.
Ese puente antiguo es cualquier cosa menos seguro.
In an old castle lived a king.
En un antiguo castillo vivía un rey.
It is the oldest wooden building in existence.
Es el edificio de madera más antiguo que existe.
She's only a shadow of her former self.
Ella es solo una sombra de su antiguo yo.
There is a very old temple in the town.
Hay un templo muy antiguo en la ciudad.
Archaeologists made a striking finding about life in Ancient Egypt
Los arqueólogos hicieron un descubrimiento asombroso sobre la vida en el Antiguo Egipto
I have a very old stamp.
Tengo un sello muy antiguo.
Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt.
Los gatos eran animales sagrados en el antiguo Egipto.
Tom is a former paratrooper.
Tom es un antiguo paracaidista.
He's a former student of mine.
Es un antiguo alumno mío.
The ancient building crumbled this Thursday.
El edificio, ya antiguo, se desmoronó este jueves.
Pepe and Juan found the oldest DVD known.
Pepe y Juan encontraron el DVD más antiguo que se conoce.
Who was the former prosecutor
¿Quién era el antiguo fiscal
He was a former university professor and researcher.
Era un antiguo profesor universitario e investigador.
In the myths of ancient Egypt, Anubis had many jobs.
En los mitos del antiguo Egipto, Anubis tenía muchos trabajos.
Modern and new apartment in the ancient helmet of palamós.
Moderno y nuevo apartamento en el casco antiguo de palamós.
Explore the history of Santorini and see the ancient Akrotiri.
Explore la historia de Santorini y vea el antiguo Akrotiri.
Play The puzzle of ancient Egypt related games and updates.
Escuchar El rompecabezas del antiguo Egipto juegos relacionados y actualizaciones.
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