Obstruct - Entrabar (The 2663rd Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Obstruct in Spanish is Entrabar. It is classified as a B2 word, and is the 2663rd most common word in Spanish. It can be used as verb. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app to practice the 3000 most common Spanish words, including this one, with over 60,000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: obstruct

es Spanish: entrabar


en es
There are two employees who are always trying to obstruct any initiative that is proposed. Hay dos empleados que siempre están intentando entrabar cualquier iniciativa que se proponga.
There is now greater understanding that the examination of patents and the role played by patent examiners are key elements that could contribute to or obstruct access to medicines. Hoy en día hay mayor entendimiento de que el examen de patentes y el papel de los examinadores de patentes son un elemento clave que puede contribuir o entrabar el acceso a los medicamentos.
A snowslide obstructed the road. Una avalancha obstaculizó la carretera.
Finding the ball at this point is an immovable obstruction. Encontrar la bola en este punto supone una obstrucción inamovible.
This would be in anticipation of commercial obstruction by the EU. Esto sería en previsión de obstrucción comercial por la UE.
For example, the patient should communicate whether there is nasal obstruction. Por ejemplo, el paciente debe comunicar si hay obstrucción nasal.
It seems that the problem with complexity constantly obstructs our way. Parece que el problema de complejidad constantemente obstaculice nuestro camino.
However, some develop the aortic obstruction due to bacterial endocarditis. Sin embargo, algunos desarrollan la obstrucción aórtica por endocarditis bacteriana.

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Obstruct - Entrabar (The 2663rd Most Common Spanish Word)
The fellow eye presents obstructive pathology in a 10%. El ojo contralateral presenta patología obstructiva en un 10%.
And he doesn't have the right to obstruct my investigation. Y él no tiene derecho a obstruir mi investigación.
How about obstruction of justice and extortion, to start with ¿Qué tal obstrucción de la justicia y extorsión, para empezar
Some tubules may be dilated and obstructed by these elements. Algunos túbulos pueden ser dilatados y obstruidos por estos elementos.
The aetiology of chylothorax may be congenital, obstructive or traumatic. La etiología del quilotórax puede ser congénita, obstructiva o traumática.
These sensible, necessary measures have been obstructed for five years. Esas medidas necesarias y sensatas han sido obstruidas cinco años.
The moments of great aesthetic excitation seriously obstruct my purposes. Los momentos de gran excitación estética entorpecen gravemente mis propósitos.
Some patients show anemia and abnormalities related to the obstruction. Algunos pacientes presentan anemia y anormalidades relacionadas con la obstrucción.
Pioneer in genetic technology applied on patients with arterial obstruction. Pionero en tecnología genética aplicada a enfermos con obstrucción arterial.
If angioedema involves the tongue, glottis or larynx, airway obstruction may occur and be fatal. Cuando el angioedema afecta a la lengua, glotis o laringe, puede producirse una obstrucción de las vías respiratorias con desenlace mortal.
If the oedematous swelling involves the tongue, glottis or larynx, or it is likely to cause airway obstruction; emergency treatment should be initiated promptly. Si la hinchazón edematosa afecta a lengua, glotis o laringe, o si es probable que produzca obstrucción de la vía aérea, se debe iniciar inmediatamente un tratamiento de emergencia.
Patients with involvement of the tongue, glottis or larynx, are likely to experience airway obstruction, especially those with a history of airway surgery. Los pacientes con afectación de la lengua, glotis o laringe son proclives a sufrir obstrucción de la vía respiratoria, sobre todo los que tienen antecedentes de cirugía de las vías respiratoria s.
In some of these circumstances I felt let down, obstructed or unfairly judged. En algunas circunstancias me sentí defraudado, bloqueado o juzgado injustamente.

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Obstruct - Entrabar (The 2663rd Most Common Spanish Word)

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