Objection, protest - Protesta (The 2229th Most Common Spanish Word)

The translation for Objection, protest in Spanish is Protesta. It is classified as a B1 word, and is the 2229th most commonly used word in Spanish. It can be used as noun. This word often comes up when talking about cooperation. You can listen to their pronunciations by clicking on the speaker icon, and you can also see example sentences for context below. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: objection, protest

es Spanish: protesta


en es
Their small protest triggered a mass demonstration. Su pequeña protesta dio paso a una manifestación masiva.
What's your favorite protest song ¿Cuál es tu canción de protesta favorita
Protest takes ever more creative forms in Tatoeba. La protesta toma formas cada vez más creativas en Tatoeba.
Many musicians and supporters participated in the protest against NARAS. Muchos músicos y seguidores participaron en la protesta contra NARAS.
A person feels hopelessness and internal protest against what happened. Una persona siente desesperanza y protesta interna contra lo sucedido.
Join this online protest by changing your homepage from 5 until 15 april. Únase a esta protesta online cambiando su página web desde el día 5 hasta el 15 de abril.
In London, thousands are expected to attend a protest today. En Londres, miles esperan asistir hoy a una protesta.
Filing a protest is your right as a competitor. Presentar una protesta es su derecho como competidor.

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Objection, protest - Protesta (The 2229th Most Common Spanish Word)
During the protest, approximately 150 police officers attacked the crowd. Durante la protesta, aproximadamente 150 policías reprimieron a la multitud.
It is not a cry of protest that changes nothing. No es un grito de protesta que no cambia nada.
Do you think it's weird to engage in social protest ¿Cree que es extraño participar en una protesta social
And let's never forget the first Pride started as protest. Y nunca olvidemos que el primer Orgullo comenzó como protesta.
Many different types of people can join a protest. Muchos diferentes tipos de personas pueden unirse a una protesta.
In protest, Anton Chekhov and Vladimir Korolenko left the Academy.[7] En protesta, Anton Chéjov y Vladímir Korolenko salieron de la Academia.[7]
Some members of Chadema have left the party in protest. Algunos miembros de Chadema han abandonado el partido como protesta.
Iggy and Alfredo were at a noisy, peaceful protest. Iggy y Alfredo se encontraban en una ruidosa y pacifica protesta.
The opposition alliance announced marches and other protest actions. La alianza opositora anunció marchas y otras acciones de protesta.
There is value in exercising our right to peaceful protest. Hay valor en ejercer nuestro derecho a la protesta pacífica.
You're a priest, what do you think of the protest Usted es un sacerdote, lo que ¿pensar en la protesta
Our protest by the tragic events of Asuncion 1931 (I) Nuestra protesta por los sucesos trágicos de Asunción 1931 (I)
But this is my first time at a protest. Pero esta es mi primera vez en una protesta.

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Objection, protest - Protesta (The 2229th Most Common Spanish Word)

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