Not know, not recognize - Desconocer (The 2162nd Most Common Spanish Word)

In Spanish, the word for Not know, not recognize is Desconocer. It can be used as verb. It is the 2162nd most commonly used word in Spanish, classified as a B1 word. You can find example sentences below to provide context, and you can also listen to how the word is pronounced by clicking on the speaker icon. Download our app for offline access to all of the 3000 most common Spanish words with over 60000 example sentences, pronunciations, and various practice types.


en English: not know, not recognize

es Spanish: desconocer


en es
The main character is a man whose name we do not know. El personaje principal es un hombre cuyo nombre desconocemos.
It is not known whether RoActemra is excreted in breast milk. Se desconoce si RoActemra es excretado en la leche materna.
It is not known if Xiliarx passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si Xiliarx pasa a la leche materna.
It is not known if Jalra passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si Jalra pasa a la leche materna.
It is not known if Galvus passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si Galvus pasa a la leche materna.
It is not known if SonoVue passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si SonoVue pasa a la leche materna.
It is not known if InductOs passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si InductOs pasa a la leche materna.
It is not known if Norvir passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si Norvir pasa a la leche materna.

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Not know, not recognize - Desconocer (The 2162nd Most Common Spanish Word)
It is not known if paclitaxel passes into breast milk. Se desconoce si paclitaxel se excreta en la leche materna.
It is not known whether reteplase is excreted into breast milk. Se desconoce si reteplasa es excretado con la leche materna.
It is not known whether Ventavis enters the breast milk. Se desconoce si Ventavis pasa a la leche materna.
It is not known whether amlodipine is excreted in breast milk. Se desconoce si Amlodipino se excreta en la leche materna.
It is not known whether omalizumab is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si omalizumab se excreta en la leche materna.
It is not known if tenecteplase is excreted into breast milk. Se desconoce si la tenecteplasa se excreta en la leche materna.
It is not known whether Luminity is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si Luminity se excreta en la leche materna.
Is not known if rufinamide is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si la rufinamida se excreta en la leche materna.
It is not known whether anidulafungin is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si anidulafungina se excreta en la leche humana.
It is not known whether Xeloda is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si Xeloda se elimina en la leche materna.
It is not known whether ambrisentan is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si ambrisentan se excreta en la leche materna humana.
It is not known whether vildagliptin is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si vildagliptina se excreta en la leche materna humana.
It is not known whether Dynepo is excreted in human breast milk. Se desconoce si Dynepo se excreta en la leche materna humana.

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Not know, not recognize - Desconocer (The 2162nd Most Common Spanish Word)

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